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Brain Teasers Worksheet Answer Sheet

Version 7

1. They both have 4 quarters.

2. Only 1, after that the bag is not empty.

3. Once, after that it is no longer 60.

4. 59. They are prime numbers.

5. 19 miles. 19.33 miles to be exact.

Version 8

1. 7am, (8:15 - 75 minutes (15+20+25+15))

2. 9, (8 x 9 = 72)

3. 720, (12 minutes x 60 seconds per minute = 720)

4. 2, (2 x 4 = 8 + 7 = 15 / 3 =
5 -5 = 0)

5. 384, (32 x 4 x 3 = 384)

Version 9

1. 36, (12 x 3 = 36)

2. 20, (340 / 17 = 20)

3. 48, (4 x 2 = 8 x 6 = 48)

4. 15, ($153.75 / $10.25 = 15)

5. 91.44, (2.54 x 12 = 30.48 x 3 = 91.44)

Version 10

1. 1128, (376 x 3 = 1128)

2. $1.95 ($20.00 - $2.10 = $17.90 - $15.95 = $1.95)

3. 79.5 (97 + 89 + 72 + 60 = 318 / 4 = 79.5)

4. 360, (60 minutes x 60 seconds = 360)

5. 1 3/4 (8 - 6 1/4 = 3/4)

Version 11

1. 6, (6 x 7 = 42)

2. 8,725,492

3. 7538

4. No, (it is > greater than)

5. 734, (1297 - 563 = 734)

Version 12

1. Five hundreths

2. $1.91

3. 212 + 76 = 288

4. 29, (42 - 13 = 29)

5. 900, (900 x 100 = 90,000)

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