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Name: __________________________ Subject: Your State
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


(Your Name) State


  Have you ever wondered how the 50 States came to be? Who named them? How were they broken into counties? How did they divide each state to make its own? These are some things that we need to look into.
  You will each be creating a map of your own state. It will be your responsibility to decide on its name and to decide which landforms and bodies of water you want the state to have.(BE CREATIVE!!)
  Step 1: Draw a map of your state.

Step 2: Name your state.

Step 3: Decide where bodies of water and landforms will be placed.

Step 4: Create counties and a capitol for your state.

Step 5: Design at least 10 different symbols to use in a key for their map. Have 3 of these symbols each represent a different natural resource. The other symbols can represent the capital of their state and its cities, landforms, and bodies of water.

Step 6: Next, you will be working in groups to piece your states together to form a country.

Step 7: Finally, we will be moving on to the next chapter of our book which focuses on government. This will teach us how we decide who will be the mayor, governor, president, etc...
  No resources needed beside individual imaginations.
  A: Successfully created a state that included a name, capitol, bodies of water, landforms, and 10 different symbols.

B: Created a state with a name and capitol, with 10 different symbols, but may have forgotten to add a body of water or landforms.

C: Student created a state with a name and capitol, with a body of water and landforms, but did not create 10 different symbols on the map.

D: Student created a state with a name and a capitol but did not have a body of water, landforms, or 10 different symbols on the map.

F: Student failed to create a state.
  You have successfully created your own state and have started to work together to form a country! How does the government get selected? Next week we will find out!!

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