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Name: __________________________ Subject: Physical Education
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


You Are What You Eat


  We have all heard in our health classes the saying "You Are What You Eat." This is true in every sense. What you put in your body effects both your physical and chemical make-up. Unfortunately the United States is the most obese nation. There are many factors that contribute to this epidemic.
  You are to analyze and reflect on one day of food/drink consumption from when you make up to when you go to bed.
  You must first begin keeping a log book. You need to document every little thing you put in your body for one day of the week. Be sure to also keep track of time because we will look at the effect that time has on our eating habits.
  Some helpful sites:
  You will be required to present a 3-5 minute oral presentation on your results and what you learned from looking at the results. A poster of promoting healthy food choices will also be required. This must include the comparison of your food consumption to the food pyramid. What areas did you fulfill? What areas do you need to consume more of?
  You must complete a one page reflection on your results. If you did not meet the guidelines for a healthy diet, you are to describe ways and lifestyle changes that you plan to implement to achieve a healthy diet and maintain good health. If you already eat a healthy diet, you are to explain what you will keep doing in the future to maintain your current healthy diet.

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