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Name: __________________________ Subject: _______________
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


World Power


  Enduring Understanding:

The following lesson explains how the United States influenced the world stage under President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt intended to make the United States a world power, through his administration involvement in the politics of foreign nations. In Asia, American leaders worked to maintain an Open Door Policy. Roosevelt used a big stick policy to secure the right to build the Panama Canal, while warning foreign powers that the United States would intervene to maintain stability in Latin America. Taft policies are called the dollar diplomacy.
  Essential Question: What is meant by speak softly and carry a big stick?

Why did the United States seek to become a world power in the 1890s?

  Learning Activities: Students will finish reading chapter 12 pages 413-415. Students and teacher will discuss the political cartoon.
In a small group setting, students will analyze and interpret a political carton of Roosevelts big stick policy using a handout worksheet.
Students will be given a Ticket out the Door handout where they must work with the Graphic organizer worksheet to construct a clear and concise persuasive paragraph.
Students will be given a list Vocabulary terms for homework in which they must define and construct a sentence.
Write the definition of the following terms, and use each word in a sentence.

1. Imperialism

2. Protectorate

3. Yellow Journalism

4. Jingoism

5. Open Door policy

6. Dollar Diplomacy
  Write a persuasive paragraph about Roosevelts meaning of speak softly and carry a big stick?


Name: ________________________ Teacher: Felicia Hawthorne

Date Submitted: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________

Criteria Points

4 3 2 1
Main/Topic Idea Sentence Main/Topic idea sentence is clear, correctly placed, and is restated in the closing sentence. Main/Topic idea sentence is either unclear or incorrectly placed, and is restated in the closing sentence. Main/Topic idea sentence is unclear and incorrectly placed, and is restated in the closing sentence. Main/Topic idea sentence is unclear and incorrectly placed, and is not restated in the closing sentence. ____
Supporting Detail Sentence(s) Paragraph(s) have three or more supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea. Paragraph(s) have two supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea. Paragraph(s) have one supporting detail sentence that relate back to the main idea. Paragraph(s) have no supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea. ____
Elaborating Detail Sentence(s) Each supporting detail sentence has three or more elaborating detail sentences. Each supporting detail sentence has at least two elaborating detail sentences. Each supporting detail sentence has one elaborating detail sentence. Each supporting detail sentence has no elaborating detail sentence. ____
Legibility Legible handwriting, typing, or printing. Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing. Writing is not legible in places. Writing is not legible. ____
Mechanics and Grammar Paragraph has no errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Paragraph has one or two punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors. Paragraph has three to five punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors. Paragraph has six or more punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors. ____
Total----> ____

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