Name: __________________________ |
Subject: Health |
Teacher Name: Mallory Mau |
Date: ___________________ |
Webquest on Tobacco Use
Introduction: |
You and your classmates will be investigating
the reasons why teens choose to use tobacco. Who influences them to use
tobacco or not to use tobacco? What are the different forms of tobacco? What
are the effects of addictive habits?
As we have learned throughout the year, you have to learn to make decisions
and choosing to use or not to use tobacco will probably be one of those
decisions. I hope that by the end of this Webquest, you will have learned
more about the consequences of using tobacco, and that perhaps it will help
you with a difficult choice somewhere in your future.
Task: |
Group member 1: explore tobacco use in the role of a young person who needs to decide to use tobacco or not to use it.
Group member 2: examine tobacco use from a concerned parent's point of view.
Group member 3: explore the tobacco companies' perspective
Group member 4: examine the health risks involved from a medical perspective.
All members: develop and present a group portfolio.
Process: |
STEP1. The first thing you will need to do in your group is decide which
role each person is going to take. The roles are: Young Person, Concerned
Parent, Tobacco Company Executive, Medical Professional
STEP2. Once this is decided read the webquest.
STEP 3. Now read through your individual role page to get further
instructions and web pages for your role. Be sure to first explore each of
the web pages provided for your role.
STEP 4. You will need to keep track of all the information you gather for
your role and all of that will be turned in at the end. When youre done
with gathering data, analyze it and think of what YOU would like your group
to do for a final task.
STEP5. Once everyone has finished gathering information, you will
gather back together as a group and discuss what your final task
will look like.
STEP6. Let me know what type of presentation you are going to
make, and collect the proper rubric.
STEP7. You will then need to develop the final presentation, as a group, to
give to the class.
STEP 8. For next class bring any visuals or other creative ideas that
you may have created for your presentation with you as well. You will have
that class to pull everything together as a group.
STEP. 9 On presentation day each group
will present for a maximum time of ten minutes.
STEP 10. Have fun!
Evaluation: |
Evaluation Rubric
Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
The student contributes ideas to the group and accepts and builds on the ideas of others. The student listens attentively to other members of the group, but does not contribute his/her own ideas. The student listens attentively to other members of the group and makes constructive comments about other peoples ideas. The student listens attentively to other members of the group and helps the group to refine ideas presented by others. The student also contributes his or her own ideas. The student listens attentively to other members of the group, helps the group to refine ideas presented by others, and solicits contributions from all members of the group. The student also contributes his or her own ideas. %25
The student collects data and shares it with the group. The student visits one or two of the provided links and provides a brief explanation to the other group members. The student visits two or three of the provided links and provides a brief explanation to the other group members. The student visits three or more of the provided links, identifies the material pertinent to the group project, and shares that material with other members of the group. The student visits three or more of the provided links and finds additional sources, identifies the material pertinent to the group project, and shares that material with other members of the group. %25
The student creates portfolio components. The student collaborates on one or two portfolio components. The student is the major contributor to two or three portfolio components, but these contain grammatical or other errors. The student collaborates on three or more portfolio components, and these components are of acceptable quality in that they meet the guidelines described and contain few errors. The student collaborates on three or more portfolio components, and these components are of acceptable quality in that they meet the guidelines described and contain few errors. Additionally, the student review and provides suggestions about portfolio components created by other group members. %25
Action Plan and Proposal The student is attentive during discussion of the Action Plan and Proposal and provides assistance when requested. The student actively contributes ideas and phrases to the Action Plan and Proposal. The student actively contributes ideas during the development of the Action Plan and Proposal, and writes or re-writes a section of either the Action Plan or the Proposal. The student actively contributes ideas during the development of the Action Plan and Proposal, and writes or re-writes multiple sections of either the Action Plan or the Proposal. %25
Total Score: %100
Conclusion: |
Congratulations! You have completed your Tobacco exploration. You have now
explored how tobacco affects our world. You have examined how it affects
young people, how it might affect your parents, the influence of the tobacco
industry and the valuable medical data that you have at your fingertips or
in your community.
This Web Quest is available at |