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Name: __________________________ Subject: Music Appreciation
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


WebQuest: Tribal Music


  A legacy of instruments and musical storytelling has existed as long as people have shared the night around a comforting fire. We'll discover how music was used to keep memories fresh and fascinating for every generation in the human family.
  How was ancient music used? Each student will pick a region to research; we'll learn about music from around the world.
  Let's begin by finding evidence of ancient music in archeology, writings and historical contexts. Then we'll discover how music was used in ancient times and how those traditions are still used.
  Native America:
  You'll create a power point presentation of the essential elements of ancient music from each major region of the world.
  As you research, think about how what you are hearing might be similar to current musical trends and genres. Can you relate to the way music was used in ancient times?

This Web Quest is available at

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