Name: __________________________ |
Subject: Health |
Teacher Name: ___________________ |
Date: ___________________ |
Unite to Fight Obesity
Introduction: |
Childhood Obesity continues to be a problem here in the United States, so much that it has even reached national attention among both political parties. In this country, the rate of childhood obesity has more then tripled in the last thirty years. One out of every five children between the ages 6-11 are not just overweight, but obese. Not only children but parents as well need to realize the seriousness of this issue.
Task: |
What are some ways in which students and children alone, can help one another in promoting healthier lifestyles and fight childhood obesity.
Process: |
1.Students will be divided into groups.
2.Students will be given 20 minutes to brain storm with their groups, and discuss the problem at hand.
3.Students will then be given 40 minutes to spend in the library to conduct research using both books and the internet.
4.Students will be given 40 more minutes to put together a presentation. The presentation should be on topic as well as informative, should include visuals, as well as a small skit in which students show an example of one way in which to help their peers live a healthier lifestyle.
5.Presentations will be conducted on the following day.
6.Each student should also submit a one page paper that touches on matters presented in their presentations.
Resources: |
Evaluation: |
As stated, the group will prepare an oral presentation. The presentation needs to be on task and informative, should include visuals, as well as a small skin in which students show an example of one way in which to help their peers live a healthier lifestyle. Each student will also be expected to turn in a one page paper, touching on the information they learn while completing this web quest.
This Web Quest is available at |