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Name: __________________________ Subject: Science/Social Studies
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Trip Around the World


  Did you ever want to go someplace far away? Well, get ready because our class is going to take a Trip Around the World. Each of you (working in partners) will be traveling very soon, actually within the next two weeks. You and your partner will be traveling to a different city for your part of our class trip. You will find that there is a difference between the climate in a place and the weather. So get ready and happy traveling!
  Do you know the difference between climate and weather? You and your partners responsibility will be to research a city in another country and create a brochure based on your travels. You will be researching what the weather is like for the week you are traveling, what the climate is like, things you will do while you are there, and items to bring with you on your trip. You will also need to be able to identify on a map where you went for your part of our class trip.
  Task 1
Include a description of the climate of their city or country. Including a weather forecast for the week you are traveling. Climate and weather are two very different things. It is important to know both when you are traveling.
Task 2
Include a list of things to pack-make sure you are specific with appropriate clothing for the type of climate and include special items dictated by the climate, such as sunglasses, an umbrella, a parka, etc.
Task 3
Include an itinerary (schedule) of things you will do and see on your trip, which will indicate what the climate is like. For example, certain animals and plants, foods, sports, activities, and kinds of transportation that is found in this climate.
Task 4
Be able to locate your place of travel on a world map. You should be able to identify where you have traveled to on a world map.
Task 5
Be able to name and describe the climate zone where you traveled. There are many different climate zones in the world.
Task 6 Extra Credit
Using a travel website, book a flight, and hotel for your trip. Include in your brochure as a suggested method of travel.


Description of Climate
No description of climate, no terms were used
Unclear description of climate, no terms were mentioned
Good description of climate, used some terms we learned in class
Excellent description of climate, included many terms we learned in class

List of Things to Pack
No list of things to pack mentioned
Brief list, not very specific
Good list, mentioned some items to pack
Excellent list, very specific with appropriate items

Weather Report and Climate Zone
No mention of either
Did not correctly identify these two tasks
Included only one of these two tasks
Included weather report and correct climate zone

Schedule and Identified City of Travel on World Map
No Schedule and could not locate city on world map
Unclear schedule, very few place activities, etc. mentioned located city on map
Good schedule mentioned some places and activities, etc. located city on map
Excellent schedule which indicated what the climate is like, used specific places, activities,etc.

  Congratulations! I hope you enjoyed your part of our class Trip Around the World. Learning about another country s culture is interesting. It is also important for you to learn how to plan for a trip someplace that is different than your home. There is a lot involved! The weather and the climate can have a huge impact on what you do when you are traveling.

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