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Name: __________________________ Subject: Civics
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Structure of Government


  The purpose of this lesson is to learn the different branches of government, and what each branch does.
  The students will form three different groups. One group for each the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branch. After doing this the students will then create a poster board about their branch.
  After forming the three groups the students will then find out information about their branch. For this part, the students can use their textbooks, library books, or the internet. Each student must find at least two facts about their branch. After collecting information the group will then make their poster board. This can be created in any way that they like to share their information, the more creative the better. After crating their poster with their facts, they will share them with the rest of the class.
  Classroom Textbook.
Library Books
  To assess the students participation and knowledge of information, we will have a discussion at the end to make sure that the students all understood each branch in full. After doing this, I will give the students a pop quiz, and having them just write down what each branch does. That will be collected for participation points.
  I will collect the poster boards to hang up in the classroom for future classroom use.

This Web Quest is available at

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