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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Studies
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


State Project!


  The United States is made up of 50 states! Each state has its own unique flag, flower, bird, tourist attractions, and environment. How many different states have you visited? What state is your favorite? What state do you want to visit?
  Imagine you want your parents to take you to visit a state of your choice. What information would you tell your parents about the state in order to convince them to take a trip to that state?
  Step 1: Choose your favorite state or a state you want to go visit!

Step 2: Research your state and find out the following information:

- Capitol
- Nickname
- Flag
- Flower
- Bird
- Motto
- Main tourist attractions
- Climate

Step 3: Create a brochure including all the above information! Include a picture of the states and any additional pictures you find interesting! Be creative!

Step 4: Give a presentation to the class as if you were trying to persuade your parents to go on vacation to your state of choice! Be enthusiastic!
  Use the following two websites to get the information needed to make your brochure:


  You will receive the following points for including the information below:

- Capitol (10 points)
- Nickname (10 points)
- Flag (10 points)
- Flower (10 points)
- Bird (10 points)
- Motto (10 points)
- Main tourist attractions (10 points)
- Climate (10 points)
*Total of 80 points

- Brochure: Neatness and creativity (10 points)
- Presentation: Clarity and enthusiasm (10 points)
*Total of 20 points

Total points for this project: 100 points!
  Thank you for completing this assignment! Did you learn a lot about the different states that make up the United States? Are there any states in particular you now want to go visit after learning about them?

This Web Quest is available at

Thanks For Visiting!