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Name: __________________________ Subject: US History
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Social Security


  Have you ever wondered what that silly thing called Social Security is? Maybe an adult told you that you may not have it when your older or it will look very different. Well it originated during the Great Depression to help those who either loose their jobs or are retiring. It was a major piece of legislation that still exists today and has a major impact on most everyone you know!
  Your task is to navigate this site to learn about the Social Security Act of 1935.
  1) Go to
2) Find the Virtual History Room Tour and take it. (Take careful notes on WHO is being talked about, WHAT they did, origins of social insurance, WHY it was enacted, HOW it was enacted)
3) After completing the Virtual Tour, go back to the original site and find the section titled "Video and Audio clips of Social Security History". Watch video number 2 of FDR. (What is he talking about in the video? Why is this important, especially during an Depression?).
4) Navigate to this link, and click the preamble. (What is Social Security?)
5) After you have finished, reflect on what you have just looked at and proceed down.
  Students will use their notes from the web-quest and by the end of class will have written and emailed a 2-3 page essay on what Social Security is, who it helps, who pays for it, and whether or not you feel its needed today. Provide paraphrased evidence or properly cited quotations to help you with your paper.

This Web Quest is available at

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