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Name: __________________________ Subject: Author Study
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Rita Williams-Garcia


  Rita Williams-Garcia is the author of "Diamond Land" as well as many other exciting books. Her books are about teens and real issues.
  Your task is to research some of her other books and select one that is of interest to you. Read the summary of that book and write your own short summary and tell why you would like to read it.
  You will have time to research Mrs. Williams-Garcia and her books using the provided set of web-sites. You will read the summary of two books and choose one that is of interest to you. You will also discover one fact about Mrs. Williams-Garcia that you did not already know.
  You will write a short summary of the book you selected to tell the class why you chose that book and what is is about. The author information will be added to a graphic organizer completed by the whole class.
  Your goal is to use the internet to research information about an author and her books to determine if you would like to read more from her.

This Web Quest is available at

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