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Name: __________________________ Subject: The Renaissance
Teacher Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________




  The Renaissance was a re-birth of classical learning throughout Europe. The Early Renaissance began in Italy through money made from trade. Several wealthy families, and the Catholic Church, commissioned Renaissance artists to create works of art. Many new styles and techniques were created and refined during this period which still has a lasting effect on art today. These ideas and styles quickly spread throughout other countries in Europe, which was waking up from the Feudal lifestyle of the Middle Ages.
In this Assignment, you will take the role of tour guides at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. A new exhibit on the Renaissance will be opening, and you will be giving guided tours to high school students. You must be able to explain Renaissance history and its lasting legacy.
  Working in groups of three, you will create an eight slide PowerPoint presentation. The research for this assignment will be strictly web based. A list of web sites has been provided to you, although you may use others in your research. All additional web sites must be cited in your work. You must include information about the Renaissances origins, the role of The Catholic Church, and the Medici family, Artists and Techniques and the spread of the Renaissance throughout Europe. Before you begin your research, each group member should choose 2 topics that they will be responsible for. Turn in a list of topics and names to Mr. Ruthkowski by the end of the period.
  1. Choose which questions you are investigating. Each group member must be responsible for 2 topics. Submit a list to Mr. Ruthkowski by the end of class today.
2. Begin your research in the computer room. Browse the list of websites you have been given, as well as do a Google search and an image search for each of your topics.
3. As you work on your presentations, keep notes in your notebook, save your information to the schools shared file folder or use a flash drive. This will make the combination of slides easier when you are ready.
4. Each member is responsible for two slides of information. Each slide must contain 4 bullets of information, 2 pictures and source citations for all information.
5. You will have 3 days in the computer room to complete the assignment. If the assignment takes you longer, it must be completed on your own time.
6. When all of your research and slides are complete, you must meet as a group and complete a title page with group member names and 5 relevant pictures. Also, create a conclusion page which summarizes your work.
7. Combine all of your slides into one presentation using the schools computer system. Print out the finished presentation on the color printer.
8. The assignment is due on Friday at the beginning of class. All late work will be penalized 10 points per day that it is not turned in.
9. We will follow this assignment with a field trip to the Met to see actual Renaissance art. Do your best and you will succeed.
  3 Point Rubric
Score of Three
-The students created 8 slides with accurate and detailed information, with at least 4 bullets per slide.
- The students included 2 relevant pictures per slide.
-The presentation contained no grammatical or spelling errors.
-All websites used are cited in the presentations.
-All information contained in the presentations is that of the student.
-The presentation was visually pleasing.
-All group members contributed evenly and used class time appropriately.

Score of Two
-The students created 8 slides with mostly accurate and detailed information, with at least 4 bullets per slide.
- The students included 2 somewhat relevant pictures per slide.
-The presentation contained some grammatical and spelling errors.
-Most websites used are cited in the presentations.
-All information contained in the presentations is that of the student.
-The presentation was visually pleasing.
-Most group members contributed evenly and used class time appropriately.

Score of One
-The students created 8 slides with some accurate and detailed information, with at least 3 bullets per slide.
- The students included 1 somewhat relevant picture in some slides.
-The presentation contained many grammatical and spelling errors.
-Few or no websites are used or cited in the presentations.
-Most information contained in the presentations is that of the student.
-The presentation was visually pleasing.
-Group members did not contribute evenly or use class time appropriately.
  Hopefully this information will help you understand the impact of the Renaissance.

This Web Quest is available at

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