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Name: __________________________ Subject: PSAE
Teacher Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________


Oh, The Places You'll Go!



Congratulations! You've just received your scores from the Prairie State Achievment Exam and now the fun begins. You have your choice of colleges because of all of your hard work. You are going to explore your options and make some decisions about YOUR FUTURE!

A blended learning course is a mix of face-to-face traditional instruction with online technology used for communication and research. Blended learning falls under the broader term of distributive learning. Research indicates that over 50% of colleges are offering blended courses.


What 3 colleges will meet your needs and help you on your path to success?

Why should higher education institutions consider encouraging their faculty to use blended learning classes?


You are going to choose 3 colleges based on a list that you create. You are going to decide what qualities you are looking for in a school and then you are going to do research.

Think! Are there any advantages to using blended learning instruction?

Ask! What types of technology a professor could use in a blended course.

Learn! How could online technology actually improve communication in a college classroom?


You are going to create an account at
After you have created your account you will navigate through the website to determine what colleges meet your needs.

Think! Look up blended learning in your textbooks. What are the advantages they note for blended learning instruction.
Ask! View this video from and note what this author has to say about blended learning.
Learn! From read Dr. McLeod's observation about how technology can improve communication.

  You must decide on 3 colleges and create a powerpoint that "sells" those colleges to your parents. Please be prepared to share your answers with other classmembers in class tomorrow.
  At the end of the project you will complete the survey about your experience. As you reflect over this cursory introduction to blended learning, has it made you think of any ways you can use blended learning in your institution?

This Web Quest is available at

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