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Name: __________________________ Subject: Art
Teacher Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________


Norman Rockwell


  In this webquest, you will be doing research to find information on the author Norman Rockwell. This will also help you learn how to do resourceful research on the internet. After researching the artist, you will then pick two pieces of their art to analyze.
  Students will write a one page paper on the artist including the analysis of the paintings of the artists. They must include a copy of one of the paintings as well.
  This will be done on your own. Here are some questions that can be answered in the paper.
Full name:
Names of famous paintings:
After doing the research, start writing the paper. Then, find your two paintings and be sure to print one of them out to include with your paper.
  Visit the Normal Rockwell Museum website:
You may go to any other credible sites, just make sure you include the name of the sites with your paper.
  When finished, make sure to have finished a ONE page paper, double-spaced, about Norman Rockwell. Be sure to include biographical information in the paper and also an analysis of two paintings of his. Make sure to print ONE picture out to include with your paper.
  Hopefully after this webquest, you will feel like you have learned something about a great artist. Also, you will hopefully have usefully used the web to your advantage. Any questions or comments can be forwarded to me, your teacher. Take your time!

This Web Quest is available at

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