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Name: __________________________ Subject: Library
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Library Connections


  Sound the alarm! 7th graders are NOT using the library. The school board is questioning the importance of the library. They might close the library before Christmas! All resources will be lost. We must raise the circulation figures of the library. All 7th graders must be inspired to read. 7th graders must use our new databases for research! Connections must be made to prove the library is the information hub of the school. The school board must see that the 7th graders use the library and it makes a difference in their lives! Share your love for the library with the incoming students. Help them get motivated to use the excellent resources our library has to offer or lose the library forever.
  You are being charged with creating a three minute library commercial that will inspire 7th grade students to use the library. It should be a commercial about making connections @ your library. Your commercial must showcase a theme from three different prospective. You must book talk a fiction book, relate that fiction book to a non-fiction book and share facts you learned from a database. Every resource you use in your commercial must relate to the common theme. Be sure to include how to locate the resources in your commercial. Your commercial must also include an annotated bibliography of all your sources. Make sure your commercial is exciting and appeals to the 7th grade audience.
  Find and read a fiction book from our library that would appeal to 7th grade students. Check out the reading sites listed in the resource section for some great ideas! Be sure to check Web Collection Plus to make sure we have a copy of the book you select.
Use Web Collection Plus to locate a non-fiction book that shares the same theme as the fiction book you selected. For example, if you chose Al Capone Does my Shirts by Gennifer Cholenko you could search for a biography about Al Capone, a book about Alcatraz or a book about autism.
Continuing with the same theme, locate an interesting database article.
Open up your Noodletools account and create a new list - MLA style. Create an annotated list of your three sources. Create 5 note cards with interesting facts from your database article.
Create a book talk for each of your books/sources. Sample book talks can be found on the resources page.
Create a story board for your library commercial. Sample story boards can be found on the sites below.
Film your commercial using a flip camera and upload to the class global folder.
When the commercials are complete will be presenting them to the 7th graders during their reading classes. The annotated bibliographies will be compiled into a notebook for reference for the 7th graders.

  Reading Sites:
YA Books Central
Kids Reads
Teen Reads
Reading Rants
Web Collection Plus:
Grolier Online: Encyclopedia Americana and Lands and Peoples Username: penncrest Password: remote
Britannica Online Username: penncrest Password: remote
Ebscohost Includes: MAS Ultra School Edition, MasterFile Premier, Middle Search Plus, Newspaper Source, Primary Search and ERIC

Social Studies Databases Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
United States Geography Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
American History Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
World History: Modern Era Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd

World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd

World Folklore and Folklife Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
World and I School Username: penncrest Password: media
Pop Culture Universe Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
Daily Life Through History Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
Daily Life America Database Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
American Mosaic - The African American Experience Username:penncrestsd Password: penncrestsd
Sample Book Talks:
Story Board Templates

  Congratulations on completing your library connections commercial. Youve read some exciting books, and marketed them for your peers. Will your display generate some interest? Which books will generate the most buzz? Will the resources be used? Can you save the library?
Now it is time to reflect on the process. Did you learn anything new from the project? What did you enjoy most about creating the commercial? What was the hardest part of the entire project? Were you inspired to read any new books because of your classmates commercial?
If you enjoyed creating a library connections commercial you may also enjoy creating a virtual bookshelf to share with a world-wide audience. Try the links below:

This Web Quest is available at

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