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Name: __________________________ Subject: Spanish(EspaƱol) for High School
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Introduction to the Spanish Language


  This is a WebQuest was made for high school students,commonly those in Grade 9 who are learning about the Spanish language for the first time. In this introductory lesson, students will learn what letters are in the Spanish alphabet, how they are pronounced, and what countries in our world have Spanish as their official language.
  1. In the world, there are 20 countries and 1 commonwealth(territory)whose official language is Spanish. Without looking up the countries, can you list all 21 places that speak Spanish?

2. Using the hyperlink located in the resources section, spell out aloud you name with a partner by pronouncing the individual letters in Spanish.

Example- J(jota) O(o) H(hache) N(ene)
  Task #1
-Think of all of the places in the world that speak Spanish.
-Organize them into a list.
-Compare your list with the one the hyperlink brings you to in resources.
-Check to see how many you got right and which places you missed.

Task #2
-Visit the hyperlink in resources that contains the Spanish alphabet
-Look up the letters in your name.
-Spell out the letters of your name in Spanish aloud with a partner.
-Switch and allow your partner to try.
-Try again and this time say "Me Llamo (name)" then spell out your name.
-Each group should use one another for help with the pronunciation of letters and sounds.
  1. Spanish Speaking Countries

2. Spanish Alphabet
  Task #1 (10 point scale)
-The student is awarded a full 5 points if he/she attempted to make a list of countries.
-The Student is awarded 0 points if he/she did not participate in the activity.

-The students is awarded a full 5 points if he/she can recognize the 21 countries that speak Spanish officially.
-The student is awarded 2.5 points if he/she can recognize more than 12 of the 21 countries that speak Spanish officially.
-The student is awarded 0 points if he/she cannot list 12 or more countries that speak Spanish officially.

Task #2 (10 point scale)
-The student is awarded a full 5 point is he/she attempts to spell their name aloud in Spanish.
-The student is awarded 0 points if he/she does not attempt to participate in spelling their name aloud in Spanish.

-The student is awarded a full 5 points if he/she works with their partner in spelling their names and improving pronunciation.
-The student is awarded 0 points if he/she does not work/participate with a partner in the spelling of names and practicing pronunciation.
  This WebQuest and its activities was designed to provide a basic introduction to the Spanish Language in terms of recognizing where Spanish is spoken and how the Spanish alphabet in pronounced.

This Web Quest is available at

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