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Name: __________________________ Subject: United States History
Teacher Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________


Great Depression


  The 1920s stood out as a time of great achievement in industry, entertainment, and the arts. Spending money and making money was the name of the game and all the glitter and jazz would have everyone believe that people were. The president Hoover was even quoted as boosting that In America today, we are nearer a final triumph over poverty than is any other land. But with its end came one of the nations worst economic disasters ever. So how did the Great Depression happen? And how did the Government react to it?
  As a group, you will examine photos, film footage, read articles and look at documents to find out 1. what caused the depression, 2. what problems the depression caused for people, and 3. how the people and the government responded to the challenges of the Depression and 4. how effective you feel the government policies were in solving the problems of the depression.

You will be creating a four part presentation using what ever venue (power point, posters, slide show, ect. . .) you wish to use to share the information you come up with.

Part 1. identify the factors that caused or contributed to the depression.
Part 2. identify the problems the depression (both economic and natural disasters) caused for people
Part 3. show how the people and the government responded to the challenges of the Depression
Part 4. explain how effective you feel the government policies were in solving the problems of the depression based on the problems that you identified in part 1 and 2 (i.e. do the solutions match the problems posed?).

  1. First, you will be placed into groups containing three other students.
2. Each student is responsible for choosing a role. Here are your choices, read about each role carefully and pick the one best suited for you, remember that this a role and everyone is expected to contribute ideas and information regardless of role:
o Time Manager—sets schedule, keeps everyone on time for project completion, sets time frame for certain aspects of the project to be completed.
o Spokesperson/ Facilitator—keeps everyone on task, reviews the schedule set by the time manager and makes sure everyone is accountable for their work and will present the information to the class as well as keep teacher informed of problems, questions or updates when asked.
o Production Coordinator—gathers all the questions, documents, pictures, videos, information that the others post and works with the team to decide which of the items will be used in the end product.
o Director—makes sure that all the parts are complete and all the information kept by the production coordinator is organized so that the presentation flows and is finalized for the groups presentation.
3. The time manager and facilitator will need to inform the group on the tasks and time frame.
4. Now you will need to gather information. This stage can take some time. You need to compile a list of possible causes of the depression, support for your thinking, justification of why they are important and also consider what graphics (pictures, data charts) represent some of these ideas. Remember a good project includes all the causes. It may work best to divide up the web sites between members of the group and then report back.
5. Now do the same for parts 2, 3, and 4.
6. Now it is time to step back and take a deep breath. Do you have enough information? Do you have enough supports? What else would help your argument?
7. Once you are sure your ready then you need to create an outline (or a storyboard) for your project (which information and graphics will you use?). Since you are doing this in a group I would recommend using a large sheet of newsprint to write the outline on or a wiki so everyone can see the process and contribute.
8. Once the outline is complete it is time to complete the rough draft. How you divide it up is up to you.
9. After the rough draft is complete you need to edit your project. Look carefully for smooth transitions, flow, grammar, and spelling. This is your final work so take pride in it
Here some webcites to get you started:













4 All four parts are presented in the presentation.

Accurate information is presented and strong connections are made between claims, support and visuals used as evidence.

Presentation shows clear and logical flow and order, spelling and mechanical mistakes are so few they caused very little distractions

There is a page that shows the credits and references used in the presentation

3 All four parts are presented in the presentation.

Accurate information is presented and strong connections are made between claims, support and visuals used as evidence.

Presentation shows clear and logical flow and order, there is some spelling and mechanical mistakes that cause some distractions

There is a page that shows the credits and references used in the presentation

2 All four parts are presented in the presentation.

Accurate information is presented and connections are made between claims, support and visuals used as evidence, but may not be 100% clear.

Presentation shows evidence of flow and order, there are some spelling and mechanical mistakes that cause distractions for the viewer/reader.

There is a page that shows the credits and references used in the presentation

1 All four parts are presented in the presentation.

Accurate information is presented and some connections are made between claims, support and visuals used as evidence, but are not always clear.

Presentation shows some evidence of flow and order but there is some confusion to how the pieces fit together. There are some spelling and mechanical mistakes that cause distractions for the viewer/reader.

There is a page that shows the credits and references used in the presentation


  By the completion of this project you should be able to answer the questions:
1. What were the causes and consequences of the Great Depression?
2. How did the U.S. government and its people respond to the challenges of the Great Depression?

Then reflect on this question:
- In what way did the New Deal programs created by the United States government uphold or move away from the founding ideals (liberty, democracy, equality, rights, and opportunity)?

This Web Quest is available at

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