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Name: __________________________ Subject: Language Arts
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Gary Paulsen


  Gary Paulsen is an author who writes action adventure books for students. As we write in our classes and struggle to find a great topic I thought it would be interesting to know how or where a real life author got his ideas.
  How do writers get the information for their books. Research Gary Paulsen and interview him about how he gets the ideas for his books.
  First choose a Gary Paulsen book that you have read.
Second, Find a bibliography about Gary Paulsen and a research his background, life as a child, education, jobs, where he is know.
Third conduct an interview with Gary Paulsen as if he is actually in your presence. The trick is that you must come up with the questions and you must also answer the questions as if you are Gary Paulsen. You must answer how you think he would answer based on your research.
  The Interview. Students will generate 5 questions. Each question will be asked and answered by the student as if they were Gary Paulsen.
  Each student will write a reflection of the interview. The reflection will include a thank-you note to Gary Paulsen thinking him for the interview and listing 5 things that they did not know about Gary Paulsen, writing a book, or how authors came up with the ideas for their books.

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