Name: __________________________ |
Subject: Health |
Teacher Name: __________________________ |
Date: ___________________ |
Food Label Detective
Introduction: |
The food we get from the grocery store comes from all over the world. As a result, with packaged food product it is hard to determine where the ingredients came from. In order to get a better understanding of the source of the food, start with the food label. Food labels provide information on the ingredients of
and sometimes provide the name and location of the product manufacturer or distributor.
Task: |
Your job as a Food Label Detective is to find out how many calories from fat there are in foods based on looking at a food label.
Process: |
1. Go to the following website and select 5 foods you eat regularly.
2. Examine the 5 food labels.
3. Calculate the calories from fat for eat of the foods.
4. Put the foods in order from healthiest to least healthy.
Resources: |
How to calculate calories from fat:
Amount of calories from fat
--------------------------- X 100
Total calories
Website to find good labels: --> Look near bottom of the page
Conclusion: |
Congratulations! You have successfully solve the mystery of how many calories from fat are in your favourite foods. Now you know what foods are good for you and what foods are bad for you.
Here's your next assignment. This will be a challenge. Go to the following websites and tell me what foods are represented by the food labels. Good luck!
This Web Quest is available at |