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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Studies and Science
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Biomes of the United States


  Biomes are defines as the 'world's major communities'. A biome gets its name from the predominant vegetation and organisms that have adapted to live in the community. You will study some of the biomes that are unique to the United States of America. At the end of your study you will create a poster presentation that will show what you have learned.
  1.Why are biomes so important?
2.How did biomes influence the lives of the first people to live in the USA?
3.What kinds of organisms and vegetation can be found in the biomes of the USA?
4. Describe the weather and climate of the biomes of the USA.
  1.Each team member will pick one of the following tasks:
a)The botanist (you will find information on the vegetation of your biome).
b)The zoologist (you will report on the organisms of your biome).
c) The meteorologist (you will find out what the weather and climate are like in your biome).
d)Sociologist (you will report on how people have adapted the environment to suit their needs).

2. You will use the websites in the resource section and any books that are available to find the information you will need.

3. Together you and your team will create a poster about your biome. Plan well so that each member's information is displayed.
  Regions textbook

  Your team will be responsible for a poster that will teach your classmates about the biome you studied.
  Each member of the team will complete a survey describing which biome they would choose to live in.

This Web Quest is available at

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