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Name: __________________________ Subject: Life Science
Teacher Name:___________________ Date: ___________________


Animal and Plant Cells


  "Living organisms consist of well-ordered parts, obtain energy from their surroundings, perform chemical reactions, change with time, respond to their environments, reproduce, and share parts of a common history. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. Organisms and cells have adaptations that resist the effects of environmental changes by acting to restore a relatively constant internal environment (Tobin, Morel)."

Why are cells so facinating? Cells are remarkable tiny biological machines and are the smallest living unit of life.
  You will learn the cellular structure and functions of plant and animal cells, their differences and similarities, and the functions and differences/similarities of the cell's organelles. You will able to understand the overall functions of cells and their responses to their environment.

  Go to:

Label the parts of the cells for plants and animals. Copy and paste into a word document and also label the organelles and explain their functions in as much detail as possible.

Go to the following link and take the quizzes available for plant and animal cells. Copy and paste your score into your labeling word document. Also at this site, complete the jigsaw puzzles for the plant and animal cells. Copy and paste the completed puzzle to your word document.

Go to:

Construct an animal cell and a plant cell and answer the pop-up questions. Copy and paste your completed work to your word document.


This is how your work will be evaluated.
1 Satisfactory
2 Good
3 Excellent
4 Score

List all cell parts and their functions clearly for an animal cell. Student has completed all steps or labels. Student has met the requirements with very little explanation of functions. Basic overall requirements have been met. Exceeded overall requirements.
List all cell parts and their functions clearly for a plant cell.
Student has completed all steps or labels.
Student has met the requirements with very little explanation of functions.
Basic overall requirements have been met.
Exceeded overall requirements.

Quiz Student did complete the quiz. Student completed the quiz without adequate understanding of its content. Student completed the quiz with slight understanding of the content. Student completed the quiz with full understanding of the content.
Puzzles Student did not complete the puzzles. Student completed only some of the puzzles. Student completed the puzzles adequately. Student completed more than required number of puzzles.
Construct a plant and animal cell. Answer the pop-up questions. Student did not complete all required elements. Student completed only parts of the required elements. Student completed all required elements with slight understanding of the content. Student completed all required elements with full understanding of the content.


The cell is the smallest living unit of life. You should understand the parts and the functions of both plant and animal cells and the differences and similarities between the two types.

This Web Quest is available at

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