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Name: __________________________ Subject: Science
Teacher Name:___________________ Date: ___________________


Animal Classification


  An introduction to animal classification for 2nd grade students.

There are all different types of animals in this world. Animals fall into different groups such as mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and insects! Mammals are animals that are warm blooded and have hair. For example, dogs, cats, tigers, and elephants are just a few animals that are mammals. Reptiles lay amniotic eggs and have skin covered in scales. Reptiles include turtles, snakes and lizards. Amphibians spend part of their lives under water and part of their lives on land. Toads and frogs are both amphibians. Birds also lay eggs but have feathers. Some birds are owls and penguins. Fish live under water and breath through gills. Some fish are catfish salmon and sharks! Insects are interesting because their skeletons are on the outside and they have six legs! Some insects are ants, beetles, and bees.
  If you were an animal, which animal would you be? What kind of animal is it and what is it like? What makes it different from other types of animals? Why do you want to be this animal?

You will make a poster on which you draw a picture of the animal you would be if you could be an animal and include facts about it.
  Step 1) First Choose an animal from the groups of mammals, amphibians, birds, insects, fish or reptiles.
THEN, choose which animal you would like to be.
(For example, if I picked to be a reptile I would be a turtle.)

Step 2) Research your type of animal
1.What are 5 characteristics of this animal?
2.What makes it different from other types of animals (ex. What makes reptiles different from mammals?) Compare your type of animal to atleast one other group of animals.
3.Why do you want to be this animal?

Step 3) Draw a picture of your animal on your poster board and write all of the facts you have researched underneath.
  beginning- 1
satisfactory- 2
good job-3

1- Poster is Poorly conducted.
2- Poster shows some effort.
3- Poster is satisfactory.
4- Poster shows a lot of time and effort was put into it.

1- Included less than 5 characteristics of the animal that were not accurate.
2- Although there were accurate facts, there were less than 5 characteristics.
3- There were 5 characteristics but not necessarily true.
4- All five characteristics were included and well researched.

1- Showed that there is no knowledge about the group you picked or the group you compared to.
2- Showed some knowledge about animal groups.
3- Showed animal groups were researched well.
4- Showed that animal groups were thoroughly researched and understood.
  In conclusion, there are many different animals that can be classified into different groups. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish, and insects are all groups of animals. All of the groups of animals have different qualities but are all equally interesting and important to our ecosystem. Hopefully you learned something new about animals!

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