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Name ________________________
Date ____________________


State Capitals


Using the word bank of state capitals below, match the capitals to their state.


State Capitals
Albany - Annapolis - Atlanta - Augusta - Austin - Baton Rouge - Bismarck - Boise - Boston - Carson City - Charleston- Cheyenne - Columbia - Columbus - Concord - Denver - Des Moines - Dover - Frankfort - Harrisburg - Hartford - Helena - Honolulu - Indianapolis - Jackson - Jefferson City - Juneau - Lansing - Lincoln - Little Rock - Madison - Montgomery - Montpelier - Nashville - Oklahoma City - Olympia - Phoenix - Pierre - Providence - Raleigh - Richmond - Sacramento - Salem - Salt Lake City - SantaFe - Springfield - St.Paul - Tallahassee - Topeka - Trenton


Alabama _________________________ Montana _________________________
Alaska _________________________ Nebraska _________________________
Arizona _________________________ Nevada _________________________
Arkansas _________________________ New Hampshire _________________________
California _________________________ New Jersey _________________________
Colorado _________________________ New Mexico _________________________
Connecticut _________________________ New York _________________________
Delaware _________________________ North Carolina _________________________
Florida _________________________ North Dakota _________________________
Georgia _________________________ Ohio _________________________
Hawaii _________________________ Oklahoma _________________________
Idaho _________________________ Oregon _________________________
Illinois _________________________ Pennsylvania _________________________
Indiana _________________________ Rhode Island _________________________
Iowa _________________________ South Carolina _________________________
Kansas _________________________ South Dakota _________________________
Kentucky _________________________ Tennessee _________________________
Louisiana _________________________ Texas _________________________
Maine _________________________ Utah _________________________
Maryland _________________________ Vermont _________________________
Massachusetts _________________________ Virginia _________________________
Michigan _________________________ Washington _________________________
Minnesota _________________________ West Virginia _________________________
Mississippi _________________________ Wisconsin _________________________
Missouri _________________________ Wyoming _________________________

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