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Eat Your Heart Out New York Times!

Problem: How do we as a class develop a newspaper to enlighten our school about the air around us? Materials: A pen and a lot of paper, also some art supplies.


1. As a class we will design a newspaper about our atmosphere.

2. You will get a chance to pick your contribution to our paper out of a hat. You will get to work with at least two other students.

3. Your contribution is due in two days. The following sections of the paper will be published. The publication of all classes will be circulated throughout the school. All papers will be displayed at the next town meeting.

4. Your contribution will be graded on English grammar, Science Content and Creativity.

5. The following sections will be found in the paper:

  • A news report on what the atmosphere is and what global warming is.
  • A news report explain what gases are commonly found in our atmosphere. This section should also explain smog.
  • A survey which will appear in our publication that tests the readers knowledge of our atmosphere and current problems associated with it.
  • A sport report depicting the event of an asteroid entering our atmosphere. Play-by-play is need on what happens to the asteroid when it reaches each layer of the atmosphere. �
  • An editorial needs to be writing on why our planet is going downhill due to pollution and what people can do to lessen the damage.
  • An editorial needs to be written on what the greenhouse effect is and what we can do to prevent it?
  • A news article must be writing explaining what atmospheric pressure is. It should explain why water boils faster above sea level.
  • An obituary needs to be written about our planet demise that happened due to human carelessness.
  • A comic strip needs to be drawn depicting the transfer of energy from the sun to our planet.
  • An advertisement (3) needs be made promoting recycling, correct use of fossil fuels and smog prevention.

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