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Calculate a Tip in Seconds Worksheet

About This Worksheet:

I so wish I would have adapted this simplistic concept for calculating tips at restaurants. Some times when I'm in a hurry and don't have a second to spare, I just give 20%. That's great if the service is at that level, but many times it wasn't; I would have saved tons of dough. Tell your kids that kids that you are going to teach them a way to save hundreds of dollars. While on the subject; you might want to start a new word problem: If teacher A over pays 10 tips a year by 5% (over a period of 20 years); how much could she have saved, by doing this little trick?

How Long?: 8 - 12 minutes
Standards Met: Practical Math

Instructions for Printing the Worksheet or Answer Key

This worksheet is a PDF document.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the worksheet or answers.
Each worksheet may consist of several pages, scroll down to the see everything.

Chrome Instructions:

1. Place your mouse over the file.
2. A "Printer" Icon should appear it the top right. Click it and you're off to the races with printing.

Safari Instructions:

Right-click over the Worksheet window and select "Print Frame...". As usual, Safari is a bit easier to use.

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera Instructions:

There should be a "Printer" icon at the top of the file.
If you don't see it, you may have the toolbar set to "off", just click the F8 key to see it.
If your school has some weird security settings, you can always print the worksheet right-clicking over the Worksheet and selecting "Print".