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Vocab. Quiz: Grade Four (Grade 4) Vocabulary List Three


Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. unable lacking the necessary power, skill, or means; not able; incapable:
2. toothpaste a brush with a short narrow head and a long handle, used to clean the teeth.
3. school to make accurate; remove mistakes from.
4. research an electronic device used to store, sort, correlate, and make calculations on data at high speeds.
5. dictionary to question so as to test students' learning, esp. informally and without prior notification.
6. quiz systematic investigation and study to obtain and analyze information, as about a theory, event, intellectual discipline, or the like.
7. computer a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space.
8. encyclopedia or encyclopaedia a reference book that contains a list of words of a particular language, usu. in alphabetical order and supplemented with information about the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning of each word.
9. outline a paste used to clean the teeth.
10. Atlas to ask questions.
11. correct an institution where instruction is given, esp. to young people.
12. auditorium a book or set of books containing articles on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject, usu. arranged in alphabetical order.
13. question in Greek mythology, a Titan condemned to support the heavens on his shoulders.
14. toothbrush a line or shape marking the boundaries of a figure or object.

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