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Day 1: Conducting Research to Write an Expository Paper on Survival Lesson Plan

Procedures: Day 1: Focus - Expository Writing and Brainstorming a Topic

1. The teacher will begin the lesson by having the students brainstorm how to write an expository writing. The teacher will help guide the students' discussion. The students should know that an expository writing is written to explain.

2. The students will use prior knowledge and discussions about their literacy circle novels to brainstorm different topics. The students' topics should relate to events in their literacy circle novels. The teacher will mention possible expository topics such as "how to survive a bear attack," and "how to survive in the woods for 10 days."

3. The students will have about 15-20 minutes to brainstorm.

4. The students will then meet together as a class to discuss possible topics relating to each of the literacy circle novels.

5. Once the students have brainstormed, the students will choose a topic they would like to use to write their expository writing. The students are not limited to a topic their group discussed. The students may choose a topic that has not been discussed.

6. The students will narrow down their topic and determine a topic before the next day.

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