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Name: __________________________ Subject: The Water Cycle
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


The Wonderful Water Cycle


  The water cycle has been taught in school for many, many years. It is something that needs to be taught because there is more detail to the water cycle than just gloomy weather.
  Why is the water cycle important to us as well as nature?
  Take 5 minutes to discuss with someone near you why the water cycle is important to us and to nature.
  This first web site given to you is a diagram of the water cycle with the steps missing. You can print this out and use it as a form of studying the water cycle to know it better for the future.

This second website given is a diagram of the water cycle with more information about it than the other website has.
  Write a one paragraph essay on the information you collected on the water cycle and also make a diagram. Label the diagram with the steps of the water cycle.
  In all, what information did you find out about the water cycle? Did you learn something you did not know before? To figure out how much you learned, ask yourself these following questions and answer them with that you learned.

1. What are the steps of the water cycle?
2. Why is the water cycle important to us as well as nature?
3. Why is it important to learn about the water cycle in school?

This Web Quest is available at

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