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Name: __________________________ Subject: American History
Teacher Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________


The Civil Rights Movement


  The African American Civil Rights Movement spanned the period of 1955-1968 and was a period of struggle while attempting to make social reforms to restore suffrage to African Americans and end racial discrimination. This period was an important part of American history that changed the course of history in our country.
  Imagine you are a students who have traveled back in time to the era of the Civil Rights Movement. Give an account of what it is like to live during this time.
  Each student will be assigned to a group of three people. Each member of the group is responsible for reviewing all the resources provided. Each group member will conduct research and collect information and data on social conditions, education, key persons, events, court decisions, legislation, statistics and any other information that is applicable. The groups will discuss and analyze the information and data collected and submit a group 10 page paper on "living during the Civil Rights Movement". Each group member will be responsible for reporting a portion of the group's experience completing this project.
  Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement-

PBS: Civil Rights Era Timeline-

Civil Rights Documentation Project-

Smithsonian: Separate is Not Equal-

The Civil Rights Movement (1955-1965)

The Civil Rights Movement
  The groups will discuss and analyze the information and data collected and submit a group 10 page paper on "living during the Civil Rights Movement". Each group member will be responsible for reporting a portion of the group's experience completing this project.
  Students will include their reflections as a part of reporting the group's experience completing this project.

This Web Quest is available at

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