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Name: __________________________ Subject: English 4
Teacher Name: __________________ Date: ___________________


The American Dream


  It has been reported that kids of your generation know nothing about the good ole days of the 1950s. Luckily, you and your classmates have been given the chance of a lifetime. You have been invited to take a trip on Mr. Dick Clarks American Bandstand time machine! This machine will blast you back to the decade of the 1950s, home of the Sock Hop, Drive-In Movies, and the Hula-Hoop Craze You will also meet important and popular people like President Ike, Elvis, or Lucille Ball Also, you might even get involved in the atomic race or see the effects of the baby boom Upon arrival you and your classmates will be responsible for finding out as much as you can about the 1950s. It will be your job to report this information back to your generation before it is too late and the decade of the 1950s has been forgotten. However, time is wasting So put on your bobby socks, roll up your dungarees, and away you go!!!!
  -Your job is to find out as much information as you can about the 1950s and report back to your generation before time is lost and the decade of the 1950s has been forgotten.
-To make sure you get enough information about everything, you will be divided into groups of three to explore a different aspect of the 1950s. *See group topics on next slide.
-You will be working in groups to find this information but each group member will have individual assignments within the project. Your task will include researching, interviewing, writing, and teaching the class as you work on the following.
-Each group will be held responsible for the following: -Project display board on topic -3-5 page typed paper on topic -Presentation of information -Interviews of people familiar with the fifties
-Each member will complete a Scavenger Hunt at a specified time.
Your group will be assigned one of the following topics:
-Eisenhowers Presidency (Biography information, Election of 1952 & 1956, Nixon, social programs, Alaska/Hawaii, foreign policy, economic policy, his popularity, etc.)
-United States-Soviet Rivalry (Space & Arms Race) (Space Age/Race, Sputnik, NASA, Project Mercury, Explorer I, Atomic Scare/Age, Arms Race, nuclear weapons, fall-out shelters, etc.)
-The Cold War in the 1950s (U.S./Soviet Rivalry, cold war fears, Red Scare, communism, Rosenbergs, McCarthy, Nikita Khrushchev, Geneva Summit, domino theory, peaceful coexistence, etc.)
-1950s Economy & Prosperity (productivity, higher incomes, suburbia, standard of living, baby boom, consumer goods, rural poverty, avg. salaries, labor force, unemployment, etc.)
-Civil Rights in the 1950s (new campaign, Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, integration, Confrontation in Little Rock, Montgomery Bus Boycott, developments, etc.)
-Technology/Inventions (inventions, medical advances, roads/highways, automobiles, air travel, television, computers, etc.
-Music & Radio (rock n roll, records, radios, popular types of music, famous musicians, controversy created with new forms of music, etc.)
-Television, Theater, Film (popularity, famous actors/actresses, films, drive-in movies, 3-D, comedies, etc.) -Sports (famous athletes, diversity in sports, types of sports, Olympics, televised sports, women in sports, how sports were a favorite pastime, etc.)
-Art, Architecture, Books, Literature (popular books/authors, abstract art, artists, suburbia, Levittown, science fiction, etc.)
-Youth Culture (clothing, toys, food, music, dancing, activities all popular for youth, generation gap, etc.)
-Fads & Fashion (fads, clothing, designers, popular vacations, haircuts, styles, food, favorites, etc.)
  1.Your group will consist of three or four investigators, and each member will have a specific area of research. You will become an expert in the area of research you are assigned. Gather as much information as you can before all time is lost. Be ready to report back to the class.
2.After you have your assigned topic, think about what specific areas your group needs to explore. Assign roles and jobs to each group member.
3.Conduct a personal interview with someone who was in school during the 1950s. Use the following Fifties' Survey for your interview.
4.Use on-line resources and books to gather the needed information. You should take notes on paper while investigating on-line, and once everyone has investigated their subject area, you will put your research together and write a 3 - 5 page paper summarizing the information you gathered. Remember to include everything that students in your generation need to know. Each group member is responsible for a section of the paper. For each section, include a title and the name of the group member who wrote it. Make sure you choose a clear font (size 14) for your paper, double space, and check for spelling and grammar errors using the spell check. Also, make sure you have included a title for your paper. 5.Create a project display board that showcases all of the information you have found.
- Include:
-Title, Pictures, and Captions
-Written Information .
  Below are some sites that will help you accomplish your research. Some may have links to additional sites. Stay focused on your tasks and know what you are looking for, or you can waste a lot of valuable time.
-Fifties Website Home Page
-History Channel on the Fifties
-20th Century: 1950-1959
-1950's History in Categories
-Guide Picks for Classic Fifties Culture
-Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
-Afro-American Almanac Biographies
-Seattle Times on Martin Luther King, Jr.
-TV in the 1950's
-1950's Films
-Southern Music in the 20th Century
  You will be graded on a Rubric Scale individually by each of your group members. It is important that you work well within your group to receive an exemplary score. Each group member is responsible for sharing information learned and gathered. You will need to print out three copies of the rubric. Each member of your group will grade you on your contributions and performance. Your final grade will be based on a combination of the three evaluations.
-Your groups contributions to the project display board, paper, and presentation will also be graded by your teacher using one rubric.
-Be sure to print a copy of the rubric to refer to while creating your project.
  It looks like you made it back just in time! By jumping on Dick Clarks Time Machine, you were able to get enough information about the 1950s to share with your generation. You should now have a better understanding of the politics, trends, and fads that populated the nation fifty years ago. You also now know what it was like for your parents or grandparents when they were growing up during this time. In addition, you have been able to share with your generation what you have learned about the 1950s before all time was lost. Congratulations on a successful time travel experience through the internet and on reporting back your findings!

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