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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Studies
Teacher Name: _____________ Date: ___________________




Students will learn about the First Thanksgiving. Students will recognize the different foods and traditions between the first Thanksgiving and their own Thanksgiving.
  What were some of the differences from the 1st Thanksgiving to today?
  1.Teacher will give everyone some cranberries to eat to get students engaged in activity.
2.Teacher will read The Pilgrims First Thanksgiving on the carpet and discuss.
3. As a class we will chart the sequence of events of the story.
4. Students will go back to seats and fill in a Venn diagram independently of the 1st Thanksgiving to their very own Thanksgiving.
5.Once completed students will be paired and share information and make a chart size Venn diagram writing their results.
6. Students will than share to the class.

  � Pilgrims First Thanksgiving
� Venn Diagram (1 per student)
� Pencils
� Crayons
� Markers
  Thanksgiving Venn Diagram 4-Point Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content The Venn Diagram is filled in with at least 3 items per category. The Venn Diagram is filled in with at least 2 items per category. The Venn Diagram is filled in with at least 1 item per category. One category may be not filled in. The Venn Diagram is not completely filled in. More than one category is empty.
Accuracy The information on the Venn Diagram is completely accurate. The information on the Venn Diagram is mostly accurate. Two or fewer items are inaccurate. The information on the Venn Diagram is partially accurate. Three to five items are inaccurate. The information on the Venn Diagram is mostly inaccurate. More than 5 items are inaccurate.
Spelling No Spelling Errors Two or Fewer spelling errors 3-5 spelling errors 5 or more spelling errors which made it difficult to read the correct word.
  After reading the story The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving by Anne McGovern, students will be able to use a Venn diagram to compare the foods in the 1st Thanksgiving to their own traditional Thanksgiving.

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