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Name: __________________________ Subject: The Solar System
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Solar System Wonders



Planets and stars have always been a fascination to many people. Astronomy is very interesting, and you are about to learn more.

I am a astronaut and I ask you what you know about the solar system and what planet is closer to the sun and what you know about Mars.


How does gravity affect the orbit of the planets?

What are the gravity affects that moons play on planets?

Where does gravity come from?

Is there a counter force to gravity? Explain.

Student will make a poster board about planet and the 5 question is

1.Identify the planet found in solar system

2. List the planets in order farthest to closest to the sun

3. What is a astronomy

4. Describe the planet in the solar system list the diameter of each of the planet found in the solar system.


Your task is to explain why the planets go in an orbit around the sun and why they do not fall out of place.

The student will do a poster board by doing the 5 question and at least put 3 o 4 images.


Please write a two paragraph essay about what you have discovered.

1.The student will define the planet for in solar system on the poster (10)
2.The student will define planet in other farthest to closest to the sun on the poster (20)
3.The student will define what is a astronomy on the poster(20)
4.The student will define describe the planet in the solar system on the poster (25)
5.The student will define the diameter of the planet fund in the solar system on the poster (30)
6.put at less 3 or 4 images(5)


Please complete this survey at the bottom of your essay. Thank you.

1) Did you enjoy this topic?
2) Did you actually learn anything about orbit and gravity?
3) Did you find the resources helpful in your research?

The student have learn by doing the 5 question and the question is identify the planet for in solar system, what planet in order farthest to closest to the sun, what is a astronomy, describe the planet in the solar system, list the diameter of each of the planet found in the solar system and the is the 5 question the they learn and how far is Mars to the Sun.

This Web Quest is available at

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