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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Studies
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Religions of the Middle East


  The Middle East is home to three of the world's major religions. A religious group has a distinct identity based on common religious beliefs and practices.

What are the basic beliefs of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?

Explain each in detail.

What are similarities and differences between each religion.


Go to each website listed and answer the following questions about each religion. Fill in the comparison/contrast chart.
Then, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting each religion.

Make a Venn diagram of the religions. This will be a three ring Venn Diagram.

Resources: basics/a/whatdojewsbelieve.htm
  Your grade is determined by:
a) answers to questions
b) chart filled in
c) comparison/contrast paragraph
  At the bottom of the page, list one unusual or unexpected piece of information you learned on this quest.

This Web Quest is available at

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