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Name: __________________________ Subject: Science
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Playing it Safe!


  We all know what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar, or drop Mentos candy in a carbonated drink. A chemical reaction happens and thats fun to watch, but messy to clean up.
Mixing or spilling chemicals in a laboratory, however, can have dangerous consequences. We have safety protocols. These protocols give students who enroll in science classes the knowledge of how procedures work in labs to ensure safety. Before students can participate in labs they would need to learn that responsible chemical research must be conducted safely according to the best practices.
In this WebQuest you will be given an opportunity to created projects to help other students understand the importance of being safe in a science lab.
  1. Students will be assigned to groups.
2. A member will come up and pull a card out of bag and will be assigned one of the following tasks:
a. Safety slide show presentation using Photostory
b. PowerPoint that explain the function of lab equipments
c. Three Safety Poster
d. Safety and Lab equipment Test
  1. Students will be assigned to groups.
2. A member will come up and pull a card out of bag and will be assigned one of the following tasks:
a. Safety slide show presentation using Photostory
b. PowerPoint that explain the function of lab equipments
c. Three Safety Poster
d. Safety and Lab equipment Test
  Student must use the following website as resources. If students chose to use another websites please include it on a resource page.
  The Lab Safety WebQuest will be evaluated for accuracy. The presentation will be evaluated based on the following:
- Work is completed on time.
- Presentation includes text and graphics.
- Written work is paraphrased.
- Spelling and grammar are correct.
- Information is accurate and appropriate.
- Presentation is informative.
  After completion of this WebQuest you will know the value of being safe in the lab.

This Web Quest is available at

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