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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Living
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Our Farm Needs Animals!


  Farm animals are very important to us. They provide us with healthy food for our bodies. In order for our farm animals to take care of us, we must properly take care of them.
  Your assignment is to find out what kind of house we need for our animal, and what kind of food we should feed them. You will work in groups to learn about farm animals. Each student in the group will look up a different animal from the selection group. You will use the information to place your animal in its proper home and give it the food he should eat.
  ~ Get your group assignment from teacher.
~ Find information about your animal from the books listed and internet site.
~ Use the Farm Animal Matching Sheet to match the animal with his house and his food.
~ Draw a farm with your animal and his food in his house.
~ Your group will make a list of all four animals on your farm.
~ Present your list to the class. Each member will tell something they learned about his animal.
Check out these books:
Merrily Kutner, Down On The Farm, c2009
Heather J. Gondek, Who's On The Farm?

Students are provided with tools (usually web sites), or leads to tools that can help them complete the task. In order for this to be valuable, a teacher must thoroughly review each source.
  Your work on the WebQuest project will be a part of your evaluation. You can look at and print the rubric to look at while you are working.
  It is important to learn about our farm animals and how to take care of them. I hope you had fun working on this WebQuest. I hope you learned why farm animals are special to us and why we must take care of them.

This Web Quest is available at

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