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Name: __________________________ Subject: Social Studies
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


My Community


  A community is the places, people, and activities in a location. You will learn about hour own community in this project.
  If you had a chance to create your own community, how would it look? What features would you include? How it will be like to live there?
  You will be working with a partner to create a community. Under resources you will see links that will help you explore different communities, such as rural, suburban and urban communities. I also added a dictionary link to help you understand vocabulary words.

Step One: What is a community?
Click on the links provide to help you see different types of community.

Step Two: My Community
1) Where is my community located in the map?
2) What features will I use to for my community?
3) What is my community type? (Rural, Urban or Suburban)
4) What special buildings will I have? Why?
5) As a community, where would they live and how?
6) What is the name of your community?
  Your community will be graded by:
Presentation Rubric
Team Rubric
  You and your partner have created a wonderful community and as a citizen I thank you for your hard work. Don't forget to share your community with others. Great Job!

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