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Name: __________________________ Subject: Math
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Invest in Your Future


  How do you think you could make it rich? Have you ever invested in the stock market? Many people choose to invest their money in the stock market. This could be risky business. In this lesson, you will investigate different stocks and decide which one in which to invest.
  In this unit you will complete a presentation to the class convincing them to invest in your chosen stock.
*Learn about a stock.
*Track and graph losses and gains.
*Analyze stock use past and present financial information.
*Prepare a report using information you have gathered persuading other students to select your stock for investment.
  Part 1 What is a stock?
You need to find out what a stock is. Use the link below to research the meaning of what a stock is. Talk with your partners and come up with a group definition for the word "stock." Write this on a sheet of paper.
Use the link below to look at stock prices for the different franchises. You may look at McDonalds, Visa, Mastercard, Nike, Toys R Us, Walmart, Publix, Nintendo, Apple, Aeropostale. Try to find the history to see if the stocks have losses or gains. Think about the cost of the stock. Based on what you have seen, choose one stock to invest $1,000. At the end of four weeks, we'll see who has the most money! Once on this site, type in the name of the stock in the "get quote" box.
Part 2 How is your stock doing?
Check you stock everyday at to find the closing cost. Add this to your graph.
Part 3
Look at the data of all the group members. Analyze the data to see who has made the most money.
  Students are provided with tools (usually web sites), or leads to tools that can help them complete the task. In order for this to be valuable, a teacher must thoroughly review each source.


1 Not demonstrated
2 Developing
3 Accomplished
4 Exemplary

Franchise Background
Description includes the name of the franchise and what it sells.

Description includes basic information on the history and what is sold in the franchise

Description includes a what is sold, a brief history, qualities and the current status.

Description includes a what is sold, a brief history, qualities, and the current status. The learners go further to obtain extra information that might give insight to the success of the franchise you choose.

Analysis of Current Market Status (Cost Analysis)
There is evidence of financial activities.

Graphs and charts give evidence of activities.

Graphs and charts give evidence of financial activities. Information from this data is integrated into the argument.

Graphs and charts give evidence of past and current financial activities. Information from this data is integrated into the argument.

Components of the Business Plan are addressed
Presentation provides a detailed description of 4 components of the Business Plan

Presentation provides a description of 5 components of the Business Plan

Presentation provides a detailed description of 6 components of the Business Plan

Presentation provides a detailed description of all 7 components of the Business Plan

Oral Presentation
Student exhibits fair voice projection, fair body language, correct grammar and pronunciation.

Student exhibits fair voice projection, fair body language, correct grammar and pronunciation.

Learner may or may not have visual aides.

Student exhibits good voice projection, appropriate body language, correct grammar and pronunciation.

Or contains a visual aide but lacks in the presentation requirements.

Student exhibits good voice projection, appropriate body language, correct grammar and pronunciation. Report also includes use of visual aides.

  Investing in the stock market can be very tricky. Many people find success and some find failure. It is important to prepare yourself to be a "smart" business person by researching, planning and making sound decisions. Now that you know more about stocks, would you do it if you had the money? What qualities do you have that would make you a success?

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