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Name: __________________________ Subject: The Periodic Table
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Families of Elements


  Aristotle's idea, 2400 years ago, that some elements had similar properties eventually led to the grouping of elements we use today.
Although all members of an element's 'family' are different, they do share some common characteristics.
  The year is 1913 and you are Henry Moseley. You have used X-rays to determine the number of protons in the nucleus of certain elements. Your task now is to determine the chemical and physical properties of these elements and to group them together in families.

The elements are:
- Helium
- Lithium
- Chlorine
- Sodium
- Neon
- Krypton
- Potassium
- Fluorine
- Bromine
- Rubidium
- Argon
- Iodine
  1. You must determine what chemical and physical properties of elements are.
2. You need to research each of the elements and determine what their individual physical and chemical properties are. In particular, you should determine:
- If it is a solid, a liquid or a gas at room temperature (25�C)
- If the element is a metal or a non-metal
- How reactive the element is
- The number of electrons in the elements outer shell.
3. You need to group the given elements together in families based on these physical and chemical properties.
  Physical and Chemical Properties

Is it a metal?

Physical Properties of Elements

Reactivity of Metals

Reactivity of Non-metals
  Determine which group each of the elements should be in.
Colour the groups on your periodic table:
- Alkali Metals - Blue
- Halogens - Red
- Noble Gases - Green
  Answer the following questions in your exercise book.
1. Compare the reactivity of the elements in each of the groups.
2. What is the relationship between state (solid, liquid or gas) and the group that the element belongs to?
3. What is the relationship between the number of electrons in the outer shell and the group the element is in?
4. How does the density of the noble gases change as you move down the group?
5. What is something that all of the elements in group one have in common?

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