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Name: __________________________ Subject: Inca Civilization
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Discovering the Incas


  You are part of a team of explorers. You sailed from home over 60 days ago and you haven't seen land since. Your supplies are running low and you and the rest of the crew are beginning to worry about making it back alive. As you reach a decision about turning back, you hear cries of excitement from another crew member. Land! You and your crew make your way toward the land. Upon arrival, the crew anchors the ship just off a coastline that doesn't appear on any of your maps. Plans are made to send you and up to five others to land to look for food and fresh water. But once you have replenished your supplies, you wonder what else there is to be found. You manage to convince the crew to stay for a few weeks. What are you going to find?
  Your team is comprised of several experts (mathematician, historian, anthropologist, and archeologist). As you explore, you find an established and sophisticated civilization. Your team agrees on a meeting back at the ship in one week, then breaks up to gather information that relates to their field of study. Enter this civilization as an observer. Collect information, take photos, and collect artifacts, but be careful not to change their civilization. Keep everything in your journal.

After the week has passed, you head back to the ship. You meet with your team and begin to share your findings. Before you land at your home country, you and your team will need to prepare a presentation of findings to present to your country's ruler.
  Each member of your team should choose a specialty area.
Keep a journal of all your findings and resources.
Search the sites of your civilization listed in your specialty.
Record interesting and informative information in your journal (don't forget to include the sources).
Discuss and share all findings with your team.
As a group, be prepared to answer these questions:

What are the scientific/technological/artistic advances evident in these ancient civilizations?
What are the mathematical/scientific calculations behind the civilization's calendar?
How did the geography affect the farming, agriculture, hunting, and trade practices of the civilization?
What are the religious beliefs and common cultural practices?
What are the common ways that a civilization manages the behavior of its people?

As you set off on your exploration, keep in mind the following criteria to make note of as you navigate through your civilization's web sites.

Also keep in mind that your journal will serve as your notes with which to compose your published piece. You will publish your findings as a web site to present to your country's ruler.

As a group, you will:

1. Discuss all of your discoveries with your team.
2. Use a graphic organizer to decide upon the content of your power point.
3. Design your team's power point presentation.
4. Create a quiz to follow your presentation.
5. Prepare and plan your presentation for an audience.

Team Specialty Descriptions

MATHEMATICIAN (Skilled or learned in mathematics.)
Math/Number system

HISTORIAN (Writes or compiles a chronological record of events; a chronicler.)
Religious rituals/customs
folk tales

ANTHROPOLOGIST (Studies the origin, behavior, and physical, social, and cultural development of humans.)
city/empire structure/layout

ARCHEOLOGIST (An anthropologist who studies people and their culture.)
culture/daily life
  You may use textbooks, library books, or online encyclopedias from our library resources website. The following sites might also be useful:
  Self Evaluation
Answer the following questions:

How did you use your class time? Briefly describe your daily activities.
How did you work with your team?
Did you share information and responsibilities?
Describe how you broke up the responsibilities.
If you were to do this same project again, what would you do differently?
What would make this a more meaningful activity for you?

This Web Quest is available at

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