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Name: __________________________ Subject: Science
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Butterfly Life Cycle


  You will begin to learn about caterpillars in the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. You're going to learn even more about caterpillars including their life cycle.
  You will read the book the Very Hungry Caterpillar with your partner. You will look for information to do the following tasks:

1. Learn about the four stages of the butterfly's life cycle.

2. Answer the questions about the life cycle of the butterfly.
  1. Draw a small picture of the first stage of the life cycle the egg. Answer the following questions:
Where do butterflies lay their eggs? Why?
What color are butterfly eggs?

2. Draw a picture of the second stage of the life cycle the larva. Answer the following questions:
How long does the larval stage last?
What does the larva do during this stage?

3. Draw a picture of the third stage of life the pupa. Answer the following question:
What is another name for the pupa?

4. Draw a picture of the final stage of life the adult. Answer the following questions:
What are the butterfly wings like when it first comes out of the chrysalis?
What does a butterfly eat?
  Click here to find out about the egg:

Click here to find out about the larva:

Click here to find out about the pupa:

Click here to find out about the adult:
  There will be a quiz over what you learned about the life cycle of the butterfly next week including what each life cycle looks like.
  Way to go! Now you're an expert on the life cycle of the butterfly.

This Web Quest is available at

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