Area and Perimeter Worksheets

We offer a wide range of printables for this area (no pun intended). You're going to find a many basic printable worksheets and a really fun math lab that you can do with students. In the lab you have students light a school parking lot.


Advanced Worksheets

Application Worksheets

The Measures of Area and Perimeter

The two fundamental concepts of area and perimeter are essential and hold a lot of significant practical implications in our everyday lives.

Imagine you are out shopping for a carpet for your home; how you would tell the salesman the size of the carpet you require if you have not calculated the known measures of the surface. So, there are countless such applications of these measures in our daily lives.

In this article, we will cover the importance and applications of these measures and provide you with a step-by-step guide on calculating both.

How Can These Concepts Be Defined and What Are Their Measures?

Area and perimeter help you define and quantify space while providing you with a strong foundation for other mathematical concepts that are more advanced, like calculus, algebra, etc.

Let's look at how these concepts can be defined and how they are measured.


The space enclosed within the perimeter of any 2-dimensional shape can be defined as the area that shapes. In simpler terms, the region of space that a figure or an object occupies is called area.

In the case of 3-dimensional figures, the space enclosed by all the faces can be defined as the total surface area. The two types of areas occupied by 3-dimensional figures involve total surface area and the lateral surface area or curved surface area.

The measures of area include square units, which are as follows:

- m<sup>2</sup>
- cm<sup>2</sup>
- km<sup>2</sup>
- sq. Feet
- sq. Inches


The word "perimeter" comes from two Greek words: 'peri,' which means around, and 'metron,' which means measure.

Perimeter can be defined as the total length of all the sides of an enclosed figure as opposed to area, which is the region occupied by that figure. In other words, the path or the boundary surrounding a shape or a figure is called perimeter. It can also be defined as the total length of the shape's outline or the distance around the shape.

The measures of perimeter are as follows:

- cm
- m
- km
- feet
- inches

Importance of These Measures

Calculating area has various functions, making it more helpful in daily life than the many concepts we learned in school.

The ability to calculate this measure enables us to perform not only simple tasks, such as calculating the amount of carpet we need in our living room or how much land we own. Still, complex tasks such as how much a particular construction material would be required if we have to pave a parking lot. If you know how to calculate area, you'll be better off.

Just like area, the ability to calculate perimeter comes in handy too. We can figure out easy stuff as to how much fence we would need to demarcate our backyard boundary etc. These simple tasks are just the stepping stones to larger, more complex assignments. We can do them once we know how to calculate these measures with ease.

Practical Applications of These Measures

Here are some of the essential uses and applications of area and perimeter in our daily lives:

- They come in handy during mapping and navigation.

- It can be used to determine the size of a carpet or rug required to fit your room.

- If you are building a swimming pool in your home, you would need to calculate the area and perimeter. This information would help you maximize the size of your swimming pool within your property's constraints while allowing you to save costs involved in concrete, digging, etc., that add up to a considerable portion of the total cost of the swimming pool. During professional swimming races, the perimeter can also be used to determine the length of the race.

- Covering the floor wall tiles, wooden flooring, vinyl flooring, etc.

- They are dimensions you need during your house's planning phase and construction.

- They are used in finding the length of a soccer field.

- Finding the length of a table runner that needs to be long enough to cover the dining table.

- They also have applications in the fields of agriculture, for example, determining the dimensions of the agricultural field or finding out the total area of land required for agriculture.

- It comes in use while purchasing land by acres or hectares to ensure you have rightfully obtained the exact area of the land you paid for.

- Tailors or designers use perimeter for stitching clothes.

- Artists also use these measures to cut out the canvas sheets to prepare them for their painting or artwork, depending on how big they want their painting to be.

- If you want to add a picket fence to your home, you would need to determine the perimeter to ensure that you purchase the right amount of materials required for the job.

Calculation of This Measures

Finding the these measures are fairly simple. You have to plug in the values to each of their formulas respectively to determine the exact value of the these measures. Let's find out how to do it.

Calculation of Perimeter

While calculating the perimeter of a shape, it is essential to remember the definition of perimeter, i.e. the total length of the sides of a figure.

- To calculate the perimeter of a rectangle use the formula as follows:


X = length of the rectangle

Y = width of the rectangle


Perimeter = x + x + y + y
Perimeter = 2x + 2y
Perimeter = 2(x + y)

- To calculate the perimeter of a square, use the formula as follows:

Since the length of all sides is equal,

X = length of one side of the square

Perimeter = 4 (x)

Calculation of Area

To calculate the area of a rectangle, the following formula is used:

Area of a rectangle = height × width

Area of a rectangle = (x)(y)

To calculate the area of a square, the following formula is used:

Area of a square = height × width

Area of a square = a x a

Wrapping Up

As a teacher, you need to put emphasis on the practical applications of these measures. So, encourage your students to keep practicing to perfect their math skills.