What Are the Major Home Schooling Magazines and Publications?
Educating a child all by yourself can be a very daunting task. The homeschooling parent needs all the support he or she can get. Fortunately, there are a lot of support systems in place for people who prefer home schooling. There are home schooling support groups scattered nationwide. The public libraries have tons of materials that are fit for home schooling purposes. Online resources are also in abundance. Aside from these, there are home schooling magazines and publications. There are a lot of home schooling magazines and publications that can be purchased or can be borrowed from your local public library. As a guide, here is a list of the major home schooling magazines and publications that you can choose from.
Home Education Magazine
This magazine holds the distinction of being the oldest, most widely respected, and most informative home schooling magazine. Established in 1984, the magazine has delivered extensive and focused home schooling coverage. They give the reader timely articles regarding home schooling, interviews with the most important home schooling personalities, and regular columns by exceptional writers that help make homeschooling fun and easy. It is available thru subscription, or in libraries and bookstores nationwide.
Home School Enrichment Magazine
This magazine provides its readers with practical teaching ideas and complete unit studies, it also provides the encouragement and inspiration the home schooling parent needs. As a plus, it also gives its readers educational craft projects to make home schooling more fun. All of these and more are presented in one easy-to-read format.
Home School Digest
This publication gives everything the homeschooling parent needs, and then some. This publication gives both simple home schooling suggestions and bold Biblical challenges that open up a forum to discuss the variety of issues that affect the home schooling family.
Home Educators Family Times
This is just published 6 times a year. For whatever it lacks in circulation, it more than makes up for it by providing helpful, practical, and encouraging articles written by homeschoolers and top home schooling leaders and personalities.
Homeschooling Parent
Published twice a month, Homeschooling Parent focuses on stories that home schooling families find interesting. It endorses products that can help parents in the home classroom and provides tons of ideas for the home schooling parent to improve their methods. Its reader- friendly format is perfect for parents that are on-the-go.
Homeschooling Today
The magazines tagline - "The Magazine that helps you learn from the past and develop a vision for the future!". Homeschooling today gives the readers the essential tools needed to make homeschooling fun and successful.
It's the National Home School Newspaper. A really great publication. This should be seen as the standard that all others are judged by.
The Old Schoolhouse Homeschooling Magazine
A quarterly publication published in full-color. It has 200 pages of everything that the home schooling parent needs, from homeschooling tips to fun home schooling activities. Probably the most widespread of all home schooling publications, it can be found all over North America, and in every other continent. It is distributed in newsstands and leading bookstores, both in the United States and Canada.
The Teaching Home
Published bi-monthly, the Teaching Home has 64 pages of material with a distinctly Christian Perspective of Home Education.
These are just some of the magazines and publications that are specifically made for homeschooling families. All of these magazines and publications contain helpful material, tips, and articles that will help make home schooling fun, easy, and successful. If you are a home schooling parent and you need all the help you can get, stock up on these magazines in your home library. If you don't have a home library, then these are the best magazines to start with.
Home Schooling Magazines and Publications
- At Home In America
- Eclectic Homeschool
- Home Education Learning Magazine (HELM)
- Homefires: The Journal of Homeschooling
- Homeschool Fun Online Magazine
- Homeschooling Today
- Online Home Life, Inc.
- The Teaching Home