Language Arts Worksheets

Our topics are well spread out and really challenege learners that are new or even advanced in topics.

  • Adjectives- Have a go at the descriptive words.
  • Alphabet Worksheets- Student recognize, color, and write letters that are new to them.
  • Alphabetic Order - Put letters, single words, and two words in alphabetic order.
  • Analogies - Headaches are to analogies; as smiles are to water parks.
  • Antonyms - This is a category we just started focusing on because of the new standards.
  • Author's Purpose - Students determine the author's intent for their work.
  • Capitalization - Students must capitalize letters in short and long passages.
  • Cause and Effect - This is a brand new section for us.
  • Clauses - Break apart sentences to learn to write stronger sentences.
  • Cloze - Have students cloze the gaps in the reading passages.
  • Complete Language Units - Over 320 grade (1-8) specific language worksheets.
  • Compound Words - When two words form one word the funny really begins.
  • Conjunctions - We use these to join words together and make sentences flow well.
  • Context Clues - Find the meaning of words by looking at words that are near it.
  • Contractions - Time to break out your (not you're) apostrophes. Get it?
  • Dolch Sight Words - All the words plus remediation for each word on the list.
  • Editing and Proofreading - We have you pick apart work and find all the errors that you can.
  • Fact and Opinion - Determine if statements or thoughts are based on proof or just feelings.
  • Figurative Language - We look at hyperboles, idioms, metaphors, personification, and similes.
  • Grammar - An large assortment of grammar related worksheets.
  • Great Authors- Worksheet that look at the most influential authors of all-time.
  • Handwriting Practice - Practice your penmanship skills.
  • Homophones - Has a student ever told you that they "sea" how you got the answer? We'll get that corrected for you.
  • Inferences - Use facts to help form an informed opinion.
  • Letters and Sounds- We look at letters and how individual letters and combinations of letters make sounds.
  • Literature Tie-Ins - Worksheets that related to specific works.
  • Main Idea - Find the main idea of various sized reading passages. They range from three sentences to full pages.
  • Paragraph Review - We get into organization of written works and topic sentences.
  • Parts Of Speech - Adjectives, Adverbs, Mad Libs, Nouns, and Verb Worksheets.
  • Phonics - Practice sheets for sounds and vowels.
  • Picture Sentences- Match pictures to sentences.
  • Plural and Singular Words - We work on the spelling and usage of words to describe groups and individuals.
  • Poetry - We work on 17 different forms of poetry. Work through the creation of each poem style step-by-step.
  • Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words- Exercises for understanding prefixes.
  • Prepositions - A nice series of helpful exercises for you.
  • Punctuation - We really hit commas hard. You would think we have something against them.
  • Reading Comprehension - Short story, normal length, and elementary level passages and questions.
  • Rhymes - We work with words that have similar sounds.
  • Sentence Writing - Students create sentences using both singular and plural forms.
  • Sequences - Students sequence events.
  • Similes - This section includes metaphors.
  • Spelling - Elementary and high school level spelling practice.
  • Story Writing - Students create their own story.
  • Subjects and Predicates - We work on identifying these parts of sentences.
  • Synonyms - Elementary level synonym worksheets.
  • Vocabulary - Basic vocabulary practice.
  • Writing Prompts (Grade Leveled) - We feature prompts for all levels. They make writing fun and engaging.
  • Writing Worksheets - Writing exercises.
  • Word Walls - Grade leveled vocabulary words we have complete word units.

How to Improve Your Reading and Writing Skills

The two most essential skill sets that are imperative in school are reading and writing. To be a successful student, you need to master both skills. Only then will you be able to improve your grades.However, if you are struggling with reading and writing, we know a few simple ways to improve both. It is essential to keep in mind that nothing can beat practice, no matter what skill you aim to improve. Practice makes perfect! Practice and dedication will take you a long way with your reading and writing, and it will help you in your personal and professional careers.

Remember that reading and writing go hand in hand. You can't be good at one without mastering the other.

Now without any further ado, let's get into how to improve your reading and writing skills. Read along and learn!

Tips on improving your reading skills

1. Read books for fun

The first and foremost thing you should incorporate to improve your reading skills is reading into your daily habits. Don't think of it as a task or assignment. Read for fun! Find books that interest you and read as much as you can!

You can also read books on subjects that you find interesting, making the learning process more enjoyable for you. Reading also improves your vocabulary, which will aid your writing skills.

2. Establish reading targets and goals

Once you have started to read for fun, establish weekly or monthly goals and then read to achieve your reading targets.

For example, you can decide to finish 2 books in a week (which is your weekly goal) and hence, finish a total of 8 books in a month which is your monthly reading target.

Once you have established your reading targets, move on to set reading goals. For example, your goal for the month could be to improve your business vocabulary by reading business management and technology books. This way, you will be able to develop a vast vocabulary on your course subjects and topics of interest.

3. Preview your reading material

Another step towards improving your reading is scanning and previewing the text you read.

The purpose of previewing is to recall the prior knowledge about the topic you are reading about to draw from it and make inferences. To preview the text means to skim the text before beginning to read and searching for information in the text that will aid the reader in understanding it, and he reads the text further.

This will help you connect with what you read and give meaning and purpose to your reading.

4. Break down your reading into portions

If you read a long and complex text, you may not retain or digest it at once. So, divide your reading into shorter segments to effectively retain it.

This also helps build confidence for students who find it difficult to process complex subjects.

5. Relate your reading to day-to-day examples

By personalizing the content you read, you will be better positioned to understand and recall it when required.

Establish personal connections with what you are reading or associate the reading material with current events. Draw concepts and connections with your daily happenings to develop a more conceptual approach to learning.

Tips on improving your writing skills

1. Establish journaling habits - As you already know, reading and writing go side-by-side. So, once you have set your daily reading goals and started to read for fun, a journal would come in handy to note all the concepts and things you have learned. This will help you retain the information you have learned and improve your writing skills.

2. Practice, practice, and practice - Just like you read for fun, start writing for fun too. Even if you are writing to pour down your feelings and emotions in a notebook, write! Write like it is your job to write. As you progress, you will notice your fear of writing on a blank page slowly fade away.

Keep writing even if no one has to read what you have written. Practice makes perfect!

3. Develop a writing style - It will help your writing skills if you have a unique and impressive writing style. It should be so distinct that it should stand out from the words of other students. You can do this by using fancy vocabulary words and adding catchy phrases to your writing.

However, remember that your writing style and vocabulary will only improve if you keep reading. You can improve on one without the other.

4. Proofread and edit - Once you are finished writing, it would be good to go over the piece and correct it for any errors or spelling mistakes.

If there are words that you are repeatedly misspelling, you can put them down separately and refer to them when you are writing. Some words in the English language are difficult to spell, and you don't always get their spelling right the first time.

It would also help to ask a friend or family member for feedback on your piece. Feedback will give you a fresher perspective and help improve your writing.

5. Do your research and take inspiration from your favorite author - Before beginning to write, you must research the topic you are writing about. Don't just jump into it. Take your time and gain knowledge before you write. As you progress, you can build on the ideas and themes.

As you read more, you will come across authors and writers you can relate to or whose writing style you admire. Get inspiration from them and try to implement it in your writing!

Reading and writing are two skills that go hand-in-hand and require a lot of practice. To write more, you have to read more.

When you read more, it requires you to have writing skills to make notes; hence you have to write more. Remember to keep practicing and learn from your mistakes. Good luck!