Picture Sentence Worksheets

Look at the pictures and then write a sentence or caption that captures the moment.

How Write a Sentence That Describes the Picture?

Writing descriptions is one of the first things that students are taught as they learn how to write. As a teacher, there may have been several instances where you asked your students to write a sentence to describe a picture. This can be a challenge for some students, as writing a descriptive sentence is a skill that develops over time with practice.

An excellent descriptive sentence is a collection of words joined together to form a sentence that attempts to narrate or describe what is happening in a picture or a scene.
Learning to write descriptive sentences is a foundational step toward writing descriptive essays, skill students will require throughout their academic years.

If you wonder how to write a sentence to describe a picture, you've come to the right place. We have put together some tips that you can follow to accurately describe a picture in a sentence. Read on to find out!

Tips on How to Write a Sentence to Describe a Picture

The purpose of writing is to communicate information. How effectively you put words together to communicate that information is up to you. In the case of descriptions, you must form sentences that have the power to form vivid images in the mind of the person reading them!

Describing a picture is helpful in many English exams. Let's try to understand what makes a good description. Here are some valuable tips we have put together for you to help you describe the picture in a meaningful way that has the power to tap the readers' five senses and create an image of what you are describing in their minds.


1. Take a Few Moments to Look at the Picture

To describe a picture, start by taking a few minutes to look at the picture carefully. Notice the small details and try to understand what is happening in the picture. In a picture, there could be multiple things happening at once. For example, a kid could be playing on the swing while another kid could be sitting on the bench having lunch.
So, keep an eye out for multiple scenarios taking place simultaneously.

2. Describe to Yourself What Is Happening in the Picture

Once you have taken the time to understand what is happening in the picture, close your eyes, imagine the picture, and think about details that you can recall. Start describing the picture to yourself, or imagine you are describing the picture to someone who hasn't seen the picture before.
This will help you take note of things you must include in your description to create an image of what is happening in the reader's mind.

3. Don't Panic

Don't panic if you don't know the words for each and everything in the picture. If you know what you have to say to describe the picture, you don't need to know the exact word for everything.
For example, in a picture, if you don't know the exact name of the dish someone is eating, that's ok. You can add details to describe the food to help the reader understand.

4. Eliminate Distractions and Focus on the Picture

While writing descriptions, it is essential to eliminate all the distractions around you that have the potential to disrupt your chain of thoughts.
Writing descriptions without interruptions or disturbance will help your mind focus on the little details in the picture that you may otherwise miss if you get distracted.

5. Answer Some Questions About the Picture

If you are not sure what to say about the picture, answer the ‘Wh...' questions which are as follows:

- Who is in the picture? For example, a girl, a teacher
- Where are they? For example, in school, at a restaurant
- What are they doing? For example, playing, eating, talking
- When did the events take place? On a rainy day, on a warm day, on a sunny day
- Why are they there? On holiday, during recess time.

To describe what is in the picture, you can start by saying "There's a.." or "There are…". While describing the picture, remember to say what is happening in the present continuous tense, for example, "The people are running" or "It's raining."
You can also describe wherein the picture of something or someone is, for example:

- At the top or bottom of the picture
- In the middle of the picture
- in front of
- behind

6. Write a Few Sentences

By answering these questions and write a few sentences or statements about the questions, for example:

- She is clearing the dishes
- It is a warm sunny day
- They are in an Italian restaurant
- The girl is smiling at the camera

7. Join the Information Together

Once you have written the sentences, it is now time to join them to form a connection or link between your ideas. You don't have to link every sentence. Simple sentences often do the job.
You can link your sentencing using Coordinating Conjunctions or Subordinating Conjunctions. The example is as follows:

- It is a warm sunny day, and the girl is smiling at the camera.

Other joining words that you can use include "for," "and," "nor," "but," "or," "yet," and "so."

8. Proofread and Edit Your Descriptive Sentences

After successfully joining the sentence, it is time to proofread and edit it. Eliminate unnecessary words or phrases to make your description short and precise.
Ask yourself if the description is good enough to create an image of the scene in the reader's mind. If the answer is "yes," you'll have nailed your descriptive sentence. Check for errors and spelling mistakes.

Concluding Thoughts

The skill of writing descriptive sentences will bring you one step closer to becoming a better writer. Practice as much as possible. Take a notebook and a pen, and start writing about anything around you. Eliminate distractions and focus.
As you write more descriptions, you'll become a pro at describing things in short and precise sentences, allowing the reader to imagine what is happening without seeing the picture.