What Is The United States Constitution?

So What Is The United States Constitution? The Constitution of the United States is the supreme power of the United States of America. It is actually the framework for the organization and foundation of the United States government and it is the senior relationship between federal government of the states, its citizens as well as all the people within its territory. The first articles of the Constitution dictate the three branches of the national government which are the executive branch of the President, the Judicial Branch covered by the Supreme Court and the Legislature covered by the Bicameral Congress. The Constitution specifies all the duties as well as the responsibilities of each branch. The powers are reserved to the respective groups or states therefore establishing the power of the federal system. The constitution was created on September 17, 1787 by a Constitutional Convention and was ratified by such conventions in the U.S States in the name of the people. It was then amended 27 times having set the first amendments to be the Bill of Rights.

The United States Constitution is actually the second oldest written text which is still in use by any given nation in the world right after the 1600 Statutes of the San Marino. It is the governing body and foundation of the United States law and it also has its central place in political culture. The original document of the constitution was written by Jacob Shallus. This original document is still displayed in the National Archives of Records Administration found in Washington D.C. The original Constitution was actually based on the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union which were the first based constitution of the United States of America. It actually had its flaws including the line No Money which were the words of George Washington. During that time, the congress had the power to print money but during 1786 the money which they printed were rendered useless. The Congress had the power to procure or borrow money but they could not pay it back hence under the Articles, the Congress requisitioned money from the other states.

Yet, the other states were not too willing to pay for any debts; even Georgia shared no forms of payment. A few states were generous enough to pay the U.S. amount equal to the interest of the national debt that is given to each and every citizen. No other payments were given towards the interests of the nation. It was during this time that the Congress was actually paralyzed and that it could no longer sustain any significant move without the nine states and some legislative businesses required all 13. By April 1786, the Articles of Congress has ceased trying to govern and a war started. The vision of a unified nation was made by several men including James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, George Clymer, Henry Knox, Rufus King and Benjamin Franklin. Such a vision led to the discussion of the Articles of Confederation that would improve commerce in September 1786. The group has required state representatives to convene in Philadelphia in order to talk about the improvements and ramification of the federal government. After the meeting, the Congress has pushed through the endorsed improvements and change of the Articles of Confederation leading to creation of the Constitution. The first section of the revised Constitution covers the presidency. This section provides executive power to the President and it also holds the extent of term for each president and vice president serving in an identical term. This section is also set in motion in order to set in record of electing presidents and vice presidents covered in the Twelfth Amendment.

Websites For Learning All About U.S. Constitution Historical Documents

  1. Constitution Society
  2. Constitutional Nonsense and Titles of Nobility
  3. An Exposition of the Constitution of the United States
  4. The Founders Constitution
  5. National Center for Constitutional Studies
  6. The National Constitution Center
  7. ThirdAmendment.com
  8. US Constitution Resource Centre