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Name: __________________________ Subject: Whale Quest
Teacher Name:___________________ Date: ___________________


Whale Quest


  Have you ever seen a whale before? Did you know that they can be as big as our classroom or even bigger? Would you be willing to travel the oceans to find out where different whales are found?
There are some whales that are in danger of becoming extinct and everyone is in a uproar. WE have to protect all animals including those we don't see very often. What is causing the extinction of these animals?
  Wow! You have been asked by the National Junior Geographic Society to go on a mission to find out about different whales and particularly find out about the whales that are becoming extinct. You will first have to ask a list of questions to head your mission. You will use a KWL to chart your questions and head your mission.

For example
- Which whales are in danger and why?
- What is causing or who is responsible?
- Where must you go to gather this information?
- What different oceans will you have to travel to find out more about the whales you are trying to save?

- Each group of students will be responsible for preparing a chart listing the causes of why whales are becoming an endangered species.
- As well, each member of the group must investigate one endangered whale.
- Remember, you must research , read, think, and write as a scientist!
- Each group of students will be responsible for preparing a chart listing the causes of why whales are becoming an endangered species.
- As well, each member of the group must investigate one endangered whale.
- Remember, you must research , read, think, and write as a scientist!

  . First, with your partner, surf the Internet for information to learn all about whales. Record this information on the Whale Cluster Map.

Next, choose two whales which you would like to compare and contrast. Click here to view the Inspiration Whale Venn Diagram to fill in the similarities and differences. (Or you may ask your teacher to print a copy of the map and record the information on your paper. On the Whale Venn Diagram record the information you have gathered.

Finally, use this information ( A minimum of 5 facts) to help you write a whale script (commercial), investigative report or adventure story that will be reported back to the National Junior Geographic Society.

Plan your Commercial, investigative report or adventure story before you begin to write.
- Characters (how many? Realistic or fantasy?)
- The story line (beginning , middle, end)

Write you commercial scrip, interview report or story.
Proofread for mistakes and type a final copy on the computer.
Share your commercial, report or story with your class. You will also have the opportunity to showcase your work for other classes.
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  Whale information
All About Whales

  Now that you have learned about endangered whales, you may be interested in researching other endangered animals. What you should try to find out is what can be done to protect and save these different species of animals. Use the same research and reporting techniques.

This Web Quest is available at

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