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Name: __________________________ Subject: Business
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Personal Budget Webquest


  The objective of this WebQuest is for you to set up a budget that would allow you to live the type of life you would like. This will include finding a house, finding a car, developing a budget, and finding a career that would match your income needs. This WebQuest does involve doing some calculations, but it's main purpose is to allow you to have fun dreaming of the future while realizing what these dreams may cost.
  Essentially, you will be required to set up a monthly budget. You will be required to write your budget on a provided worksheet, and get your information off the internet. The preparing of the budget will include finding a house, finding a car, and setting up a budget. The next step will be for you to find out what type of career will provide you with the necessary income, and how much education is needed for these careers.

To complete the project, you will need to make revisions to your original budget if the results are not accurate. You then must explaining your reasons for doing so.
  This is the first step of your WebQuest. Almost everyone has an idea of where they would like to live, and what type of house they would like to own. It's your job to use to scan through the provided sites to find your dream house. After you do so, make sure to note where the house is located, and what the selling price is.

Most people also have ideas on what type of car they would like to own. Use the site provided to find your dream car. Make sure to note the price of the car.

Now it's time to find a career. Find a career that you are interested in, in the link below that will give you the needed income to afford the lifestyle you want. Include the amount of education needed for your career.
  Use the provided links below to generate your dream life and calculate all of your expenses.

Finding A Home:

Finding A Car:

Finding A Career:

Now figure out your monthly mortgage payment and your monthly car payment using the links provided below.
Some budget experts recommend that a house payment should be no more than 28% of your gross monthly income, and that a car payment should be no more than 12% of your gross monthly income. Figure out what income you would need for the house you would like to buy, and also the car you would like to own. Use the larger number to figure out your budget.

Calculating Mortgage:

Calculating Car Payments:
  Time for a reality check.

Double check the calculations.

Check with the teacher or peer helper to see how realistic the budget is.

  If the budget is unrealistic this is the time to go back and make the necessary changes for the budget to be accurate

This Web Quest is available at

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