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Name: __________________________ Subject: World History
Teacher Name:___________________ Date: ___________________


Asian Webquest



For this next lesson, you will be learning about what life was like in Asia from about the 600's through the 1300's. You will be creating a PowerPoint that will be 6 slides (you will need to print off the assignment as handout 6 slides not 12 individual slides) Use the websites in the resources section to help find your info. You can work with a partner but you will only need to turn in one paper.

East and Southeast Asia is a unique and fascinating part of the world, filled with interesting geographical features and cultures. Your mission as World Investigators is to research different countries in Southeast Asia and report your findings back to the class in PowerPoint form.
You each will be assigned a partner(s) and will research one of the following countries to learn more information about their geography and culture in order to teach the class about your particular country.
Countries we will research include:
- Laos
- Japan
- Nepal
- Philippines
- Malaysia
- Taiwan
- Vietnam
- South Korea
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka and the Maldives
- Bhutan
- Indonesia
- Bangladesh


Task 1 - Chinese inventions during the Tang and Song dynasties (1-2 slide)
Task 2 - Mongolians (3 slides)
Task 3 - Samurai (2 slides)

You will have two tasks:
Task #1
Work with your investigating partner to research the answers to following questions about your country. You and your partner will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will be created and presented in the order of the following information. Your PowerPoint must make sense to you and the audience members (other students and teachers) that you share it with.
1. Where is the country? tell its relative location in relation to other nations, major landforms, and/or bodies of water

2. What is the physical geography of the country like?
What major landforms are in the country? What is the land like?

3. What natural resources are found in the country?

4. What is the culture like?
Tell how 4 different elements of culture are seen in your country.

5. Describe/share at least two historically significant events in your country up to 2000.

6. Share at least one significant event that is currently happening in your country or has happened since 2000.

Take notes on the NOTES SHEET provided or on loose-leaf (if more space is needed – be sure to staple any loose-leaf paper that is used to the NOTES SHEET). Then transfer your notes from paper to your PowerPoint presentation. You and your partner should arrange your PowerPoint in the correct order above.
Task #2

Pretend you are visiting your assigned East or Southeast Asian country. Since you miss your family or your friends you decide to write them a postcard.
Please use the small postcard template available online to complete this assignment. Your postcard is due when your group presents your PowerPoint and will count as a homework grade.

On the Postcard Template, the right half of this page is reserved for addressing and postage information. Please keep the right half of this page blank.

  Task 1 - you will need to find 4 Chinese inventions from the Tang and Song dynasties. Find a pic for at least 1 of the inventions and tell how we use each invention today
Task 2 - You will need to find the 5 w's for Genghis Kahn, Kublai Kahn, and Marco Polo. Tell how Marco Polo fits in with this group. You will also need a pic for each person.
Task 3 - you will need to find the 5 w's for a samurai and you need to include a picture. On the second slide you will write a Tanka poem (similar to a Haiku)Find the resource that explains the Tanka poem
  Rubric for Task #1
Exploring East and Southeast Asia Webquest:
PowerPoint Project:
I. Research:
Students researched all questions:
Yes- all (5 points) Most- (3 points) Some (1 point) None (0 points)
Notes taken were:
- Very thorough, complete and easy to follow (4 points)
- Accurate and easy to follow (3 points)
- Somewhat hard to follow (2 points)
- Difficult to understand and/or inadequate (1 point)
- Incomplete (0 points)

II. PowerPoint:
Students created a presentation for their country using PowerPoint.
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)

Students used appropriate graphics to enhance the PowerPoint.
- Student used 2-3 appropriate graphics- (4 points)
- Student used 1 appropriate graphic- (2 points)
- Student did not use graphics or graphics were inappropriate for assignment (0 points)
PowerPoint was clear, easy to read, and easy to follow with accurate information:
- was well detailed and accurate very clear (4 points)
- contained some details clear (3 points)
- contained few details somewhat unclear (2 points)
- was difficult to follow very unclear (1 point)
III. Presentation:
Students presented their information to the class in a clear and concise way.
- Presentation was clear, well-rehearsed, with good eye-contact, strong voice, and appropriate use of the SmartBoard (4 points)
- Presentation was clear, rehearsed, with sufficient eye-contact, strong voice, and mostly appropriate use of the SmartBoard (3 points)
- Presentation was somewhat clear, somewhat rehearsed, some eye contact, soft voice, and some appropriate use of the SmartBoard (2 points)
- Presentation is unclear, unrehearsed, minimal eye contact, inaudible voice, and/or inappropriate use of SmartBoard (1 point)
- Presentation is off task (0 points)
Total _____ / 21 Points: Grade:______________

Rubric for Task #2
1. Message is typed
2. Message includes a brief and very clear explanation of why this person should visit your assigned
3. Message tells about at least two specific places (landforms, cities, historical sites, places of importance,
etc.) that you have visited and tells why I might want to visit this specific place too; message describes
specific places thoroughly
4. Message clearly tells about at least two types of interesting food you have tried
5. A picture of something unique about your country is included on the front, and is clearly mentioned
in the postcard.

Message is typed
2. Message includes a brief, clear explanation of why this person should visit your assigned country.
3. Message tells about at least one specific place (landforms, cities, historical sites, places of
importance, etc.) that you have visited and tells why I might like to visit this specific place too;
message describes specific place
4. Message tells about at least one type of interesting food you have tried.
5. A picture of something unique about your country is included on the front, and is clearly
mentioned in the postcard.

1. Message is typed
2. Message includes a brief, somewhat clear explanation of why this person should visit your
assigned country.
3. Message mentions a specific place (landforms, cities, historical sites, places of importance, etc.),
but does not explain what its like
4. Message mentions food, but does not give specifics about what the food is like
5. A picture of something unique about your country is included on the front, and is
clearly mentioned in the postcard.

1. Message is not typed
2. Message includes a brief, somewhat unclear explanation of why this person should visit your
assigned country.
3. Message does not mention a specific place
4. Message does not mention food
5. A picture of something unique about your country is included on the front, and is clearly
mentioned in the postcard.

This Web Quest is available at

Thanks For Visiting!