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Name: __________________________ Subject: Physical Education and Health
Teacher Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________


Anatomy and Physiology


  There is nothing more pertinent to physical education than the study of anatomy (structure of the human body) and physiology (function of those specialized structures). The reasoning behind this is simple, everyday in physical educaiton class we use our bodies to accomplish kinesthetic motion. As a result, by participating in this WebQuest you will become more familiar with the structural and functional organization of your body's musculoskeletal system; in hopes of truly increasing your physical education.
  You and three co-workers (friends)have been hired as human performace specialists by your favorite professional sports team. Your job is to analyze and research ONE biomechanical aspect of that sport. For example, if your favorite team was the Chicago Cubs, you could analyze and research a pitcher's throwing motion. You need to take in to consideration all the muscular and skeletal structures required to accomplish that motion. For instance, the pitcher uses all four rotator cuff muscles (accelerators & decelerators) which originate/attach within the glenhoid-humeral joint. Your projects must be created into some sort of presentation format, ready to be presented in front of the other groups. All four members of the group must present an aspect from their research during the presentation to achieve full credit.
  Information that is needed includes the following:

1. A detailed explaination of which muscular and/or skeletal structures are being used
2. A detailed explaination of the function of these structures
4. Diagrams and/or illustrations of the structures. (cite sources!)
5. A detailed explaination of any pathologies (dysfunctions) associated with the biomechanical motion (ex. rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, etc...)
6. References for all of your information and photos/pictures used in parts 1-5
* You will be creating a presentation that will be given to your classmates and teacher. You should have at LEAST four sections in your presentation that address the above information (one for each member).

Your presentation may follow one of the following formats:

1. PowerPoint

2. Movie

3. Book

4. Informational Board with Pamphlets

5. Other Ideas may be submitted for approval.
  Below are some sites that will help you accomplish your tasks. Many have links to additional sites.

Human Anatomy Online
This site has detailed information on many of the systems.

Atlas of the Body
Everyday health information, including several of the body systems

The Human Body
Links to many different websites about human anatomy and physiology.
Fun-filled and informative exploration of the human body where they can tour the human body for an overview of the major body systems

How the Body Works
Contains information about the muscular and skeletal systems

  1. Accuracy of information
2. Depth of your answers to each section
3. Correct citation of ALL references
4. Presentation format and creativity
5. Quality of presentation (practice!)
6. Grammatical correctness and proper spelling
7. Class time spent on task, references
  After completing this activity, students will be able to understand and explain the relationship between musculoskeletal structures/functions in order to achieve certain biomechanical motions in sports.

This Web Quest is available at

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